Allah Is The Rich, You Are The Poor

(Farrukh Ahmed, Karachi)

This is a fact that none can escape, yet you go after the treasures of the world and renounce the Lord of Truth.

Look at this world with the eyes of your heart, you will find it ugly and loathsome; look at it with your physical eyes and it will lure you to the side and slaughter you.

Be content with whatever Allah has decreed for you. Fear Allah in your innermost being. Implement His commands. Once your heart complies with the Divine Decree, the Lord of Truth will grant you from sources you never imagined:

"And whosoever is conscious of Allah, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty). And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine. And whoever puts his trust in Allah, then He will suffice him. Verily, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Indeed Allah has sent a measure for all things." (Quran: 65/2-3)

Beg of His mercy; turn to Him with a heart full of sincere repentance.

"O you who believe! Turn to Allah with sincere repentance." (Quran: 66/8)

Allah disposes of everything as He wills, and commands as He wills:

"He is not to be questioned about what He does, though they are subject to His questioning." (Quran: 21/23)

O you of sound health but weak heart! Wake up and run to your Creator with repentance on your tongue, tears in your eyes, and sincerity in your heart. Cry before Him, before others cry for you.

Do you not fear the moment when you will stand before your Lord? There will be no screen between Him and you, nor an interpreter to translate for you. And your Creator will question you. You will find nothing to your left nor to your right but the blazing Fire of Hell. Do what the Prophet of Allah advised you, if you truly fear Allah.

He didn’t create you for fun, amusement, eating, drinking, sleeping etc:

"I have created the Jinns and the humans solely to worship Me." (Quran: 51/56)

You think that the Angel of Death will never squeeze your soul out of your body? You have forgotten that you will pass through the Siraat with the intense Fire of Hell underneath you.
This is just the grave, Hell is yet to come!

May Allah (SWT) save all of us from Hell Fire. Aameen.

Farrukh Ahmed
About the Author: Farrukh Ahmed Read More Articles by Farrukh Ahmed: 3 Articles with 2969 views Currently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.