Eastern World Polity and the Muslim dilemma

(Prof. Muhammad Hanif, karachi)

The continent of Asia is the landscape of miracles, mysteries, marvels and magic. It is region of Confucius, Buddha, Ashok-e-Azam, Shah Waliullah Dehelvi, Syed Ahmed Shaheed, Gandhi, Iqbal, Jinnah and Mao Zedong. Asia is the largest continent of the world. In comparison to Europe, it is like a lumbering giant spreading over a large area of the globe. But it is not as significant and great as the Europe is. JL Nehru comments, “Size is the poorest test to judge a man or a country’s greatness. “ The history of the rise and fall of Eastern zone of the world is somehow similar to the West. The graph of progress of the East is comparatively low. Asian states brought up countless mystics, scholars, philosophers, logicians, men of letters, philanthropists and scientists. The number of scientists in the past is very thin as compared to the European soil. Most of the eastern scientists are Muslim. The Muslim nation has availed the opportunity of victories and ruling a sizeable part of the globe. However, they could not keep the world in subjection for long. No doubt, they enjoyed independence, but they could not decide the destiny of other nations. The Muslim world at this time is under the intense dark clouds. The Muslim states acquired ruling and dominating position during various turns of times. At the same time, the Mongols and the Christians also took lead in acquiring the dominating positions.

7th and 8th centuries symbolize the zenith of Muslim glory in the Arabian, Roman and Eastern European soil. Despite internal disputes, this era presents better governance, education, culture, military reforms, and finance control.

11th century can be recalled in the Sub-continent Hindustan for the magnificent rule of Altutmash and Razia Sultana.

11th century also stands for the supremacy of Christendom to the Muslim world in crusades. Jerusalem was conquered by the united forces of papacy, the feudal and the ruling elite. The stake holders of the Western and the Christian world joined hands and heads together to defeat their Muslim rivals. The crusaders plied upon the score of bloodstained corpses of Muslims as well as of Jews. Worst kind of blood bath had been witnessed and made it clear that Mongols are not the pioneers of brutality; this credit goes to the account of the western civilization.

12th century shows Mangol dominance over various eastern civilizations. They were vagrants and barbarous. They brought damages beyond repair to all the civilizations which came across them. The Muslim nation regained the lost position in the Gulf States from the hegemony of Christendom under the leadership of Sultan Salahuddin Ayubi. The era of Sultan Salahuddin Ayubi is truly considered the epoch of Muslim Renaissance because till the last breath of Ayubi, the rival forces did not dare to carry on the war.

From about 1530 to 1857, Mughal dynasty ruled over India. This royal family enjoyed absolute authorities for a century out of 327 years only during Akbar era and Alamgeer epoch.

Except for the era of Muhammad PBUH and Khulafa-e- Rashedeen, no government and rule can be called Islamic. The dynasties like Mughal Empire are not Islamic but Muslim rules. Islam neither allows dynasty nor imperialism.

Twentieth century has been labeled by some observers as the epoch of the Muslim Renaissance. The Muslims all over the world enjoyed independence hardly for three decades. Kashmir and Palestine remained in continuous subjection. Moreover autonomy did not affect other parts of the globe. It is observed that this fresh sea breeze cannot be called Renaissance. Whatever it is being called, it soon turned out to be the time of decadence. The Muslim status and profile at once collapsed and fell like a shooting star. The Muslim as a whole has been called warlike Muhammadan and blood thirsty.

Foul blood smell springs from the tales of this nation.

The Muslim intellectuals and governments are trying hard to defend themselves from these charges. The phenomenon of 21st century is entire departure from the history. The globe is changing from unipolar to multipolar. The mono-super power, America is now coming across two emerging Bigs; China and Japan. They both are no lesser strong than that of America. Though, Japan is reluctant in coming to the forefront. Yet it can’t camouflage itself any more. These are likely to bring a balance in the global polity. Till 2020, some other states like Russia, France, Germany, Malaysia and Korea, are expected to reach the similar status. The worth-mentioning fact is that the East and the West, both are in a stable position except for a large number of developing states. Saudi-Arabia, the UAE, Malaysia and Turkey are strong, well administered and economically prosperous enough. However, the rest of the Muslim world has been caught into doldrums.

In the ongoing state of things the Muslim states are under the dark clouds.

More than one hundred thousand Muslims including some minorities have been blasted, gunned down and slaughtered in Pakistan. Drone attacks and other destructions are even more ruinous. The killings of non-Muslims and various minorities are additional torture for Pakistanis. This has destabilizes Pakistan within the state and at embassy level. The issue of Kashmir has been put under the carpet for sixty eight years. Palestinians are at the mercy of Israeli government. Indian Muslims off and on fall prey to the vindication of RSS. These days, the Muslims of Yemen have been caught into hot waters by their Muslim brothers. Now the Muslims in Burma are being slaughtered like animals. It appears that Buddhists are doing all such like a thrill. Although this is crystal clear that Buddhists are peaceful and ideal community. Bangladesh has taken serious actions against basic principles of sharia and executed the ulemas of key position. This neighbouring state of Burma is going to expel Muslim refugees from its landscape. Till this time, a very few Muslim countries have protested against this butchery of humans.

It is a point to ponder over the fear or indifference of the Muslim states and unconcern of the global community against this historic massacre which is unique in history. There are many interrogations regarding the Muslim dilemma. What factors are responsible for such syndrome? What has compelled this nation to get so terrified? Why are the Muslim states leaving their brothers in utter humiliation, degradation, absolute torture and isolation? Why are the Muslims being criticized at the international forum openly and harshly? What crime the Muslim nation or their leaders have committed? Probably these verses of Allama Iqbal help us in detecting our HAMARTIA or TRAGIC FLAW;
Ae murgheke- bechara, zara ye to bata
tera who gunah kiya tha ye hay jis ki mukafat…
Afsos sad-afsos keh shaheen na bana tu…
dekhe na teri aankh nay fitrat key isharat
Taqdeer key qazi ka ye fatwa hay azal say..
hay jurm-e zaeefi ki saza marg-emafajat.

Prof. Muhammad Hanif
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