Today CAD to PKR Rate

195.87 PKR

Today, on 24 March, 2025, the exchange rate for 1 CAD to PKR is RS. 195.87 in the interbank market, according to the State Bank of Pakistan. The Canadian Dollar to PKR exchange rate changed from 195.87 to 195.87 during the last trading session in the currency market. The Canadian Dollar to Pakistani Rupee trading at the interbank rate remained unchanged from yesterday.

Interbank CAD Rate
24 Mar 25 PKR195.52 PKR195.87
Open Market Rate
24 Mar 25 PKR195.85 PKR198.25
1 Canadian Dollar = 195.87 Pakistani Rupees
As on Mar 24, 2025 at 10:28 PST (GMT+5)
CAD to PKR Stats
Last 30 days Last 90 days
High 197.48 197.48
Low 193.1 188.59
Average 195.32 194.42
CAD TO PKR chart & Graph
Canadian Dollar Profile
Name Symbol Minor Unit Minor Unit Symbol
Canadian Dollar $ 1/100 = cent ¢
CAD to PKR Interbank Rates History
Date Buying Selling
Today 195.52 195.87
24 Mar, 25 195.52 195.87
23 Mar, 25 195.52 195.87
22 Mar, 25 195.52 195.87
21 Mar, 25 195.75 196.10
20 Mar, 25 195.75 196.10
19 Mar, 25 195.78 196.13
18 Mar, 25 194.85 195.20
17 Mar, 25 194.85 195.20
16 Mar, 25 193.99 194.34
15 Mar, 25 193.99 194.34
14 Mar, 25 194.57 194.92
13 Mar, 25 193.70 194.04
12 Mar, 25 193.94 194.28
11 Mar, 25 194.84 195.18
10 Mar, 25 195.46 195.81

Canadian Dollar to PKR Rate

Weekly performance of CAD to PKR shows decrease in value and Pakistani Rupee is down by PKR -0.06 or -0.031%. The peak conversion exchange rate of Canadian Dollar to PKR was PKR 196.13 and lowest PKR 195.2 conversion.

Monthly Fluctuation of CAD to PKR

Monthly fluctuation during the last 30 days as follows for CAD to PKR: High PKR 197.48 and Low PKR 193.1 in value, where buying was PKR 195.52 and Selling 195.87

What factors affect the CAD to PKR exchange rate?

The CAD to PKR exchange rate is affected by several factors, including the economic conditions of both countries, interest rates, inflation rates, political stability, and global market trends. For instance, if the Canadian economy is performing well, and the Bank of Canada raises interest rates, this will strengthen the Canadian dollar and result in a higher CAD to PKR exchange rate. Similarly, if Pakistan's economy is struggling with high inflation rates and political instability, this will weaken the Pakistani rupee, resulting in a lower Canada currency to PKR exchange rate.

Other factors that can affect the CAD to PKR exchange rate include international trade and investment flows, foreign exchange reserves, and geopolitical tensions. A significant increase in Canadian exports to Pakistan, for example, would lead to an increased demand for the CAD, strengthening its exchange rate against the PKR.

CAD to PKR: Understanding the Exchange Rate Dynamics

The exchange rate between the Canadian Dollar (CAD) and the Pakistani Rupee (PKR) is a necessary tool for physical or legal persons who perform cross-border transactions, remittances, or trade. Be it for personal or professional reasons or simply tracking the CAD to PKR rate, understanding the factors influencing this currency pair can help you be informed in making financial decisions.

CAD to PKR Today: Real-Time Insights

Usually fluctuating, the CAD to PKR exchange rate differs often. Many factors are the cause of this fluctuation. The current rates are a reflection of strong economic activity in Canada, which to a large extent stems from its abundant energy resources and secure monetary policies. On the opposing side, CAD to PKR determinants include economic problems facing Pakistan, such as inflation, trade deficits, and foreign exchange reserves.

For instance, a rise in global oil prices is advantageous for the Canadian economy, thereby strengthening the CAD against the PKR, while the heavy dependence of Pakistan on oil imports for meeting its energy needs would cause depreciation in the value of the Rupee, increasing the cost of CAD.

Factors Influencing CAD to PKR Exchange Rate

Numerous key factors significantly affect the conversion of CAD to PKR rate. These include:

Conversion of the CAD to PKR rate is greatly dependent on several key factors, including:

  • Commodity Prices: Canada is one of the major exporters of natural resources and oil. Therefore, an increase in commodity prices will certainly favor the CAD and thereafter strengthen its position against the PKR.
  • Interest Rates: Interest rate changes by the Bank of Canada-related monetary policy decisions might affect the CAD's strength. As a rule of thumb, higher interest rates usually attract foreign investments, thus enhancing the strength of the currency.
  • Economic Stability in Pakistan: Political uncertainty, inflation issues, and trade imbalances all point to several conditions that would impact the PKR depreciation process and thus affect the CAD to PKR conversion.


How much is 1 Canadian Dollar to PKR today?

Today 1 Canadian Dollar to PKR is Rs 195.87. In the last 30 days, the rate of CAD to PKR has fallen.

What is the CAD to PKR Interbank Rate today?

The CAD to PKR Interbank Rate today is 195.87 Pakistani Rupees for selling.

What is the CAD to PKR Open Market Rate today?

The CAD to PKR Open Market Rate today is 198.25 Pakistani Rupees for selling.

How much is 50 CAD in PKR?

50 CAD is equivalent to 9793.50 Pakistani Rupees today.

How much is 100 CAD in PKR?

100 CAD is equivalent to 19587.00 Pakistani Rupees today.

Comments on CAD to PKR Rate in Pakistan

Finding the latest rate is quick and easy here. It’s a dependable choice for those living abroad.

  • By: Muneeb
  • on Fri 14 Mar, 2025

You can easily find the latest exchange rates for different currencies to PKR, helping you stay updated on market trends.

  • By: Rohail
  • on Thu 13 Mar, 2025

Online platforms provide quick and accurate currency exchange rates, making international transactions easier.

  • By: Danish
  • on Wed 12 Mar, 2025

This website is unbeatable. The information is clear, updates frequently, and is easy to access. I trust it completely for all my currency conversion needs.

  • By: Urwa
  • on Wed 19 Feb, 2025

Get precise CAD to PKR rates effortlessly on this site. It’s straightforward, reliable, and always up to date.Highly recommended.

  • By: Misbah
  • on Fri 03 Jan, 2025

Disclaimer: The currency exchange rates used on this page are obtained from various sources of money market. The rates here are only for info purpose and are not intended as a suggestion or recommendation to trade. Please refer your local money market or banks for daily updated rate.