OMR to PKR Rate
Omani Riyal to Pakistani Rupee

730.50 PKR

Today, on 26 March, 2025, the exchange rate for 1 OMR to PKR is RS. 730.50 in the open market. The Omani Riyal to PKR exchange rate changed from 731.9 to 730.50 during the last trading session in the currency market. The Omani Riyal to Pakistani Rupee has fallen by PKR 1.40, a change of 0.191%, in the trading session.

1 Omani Riyal = 730.50 Pakistani Rupees
As on Mar 26, 2025 at 09:08 PST (GMT+5)
OMR to PKR Stats
Last 30 days Last 90 days
High 734.5 734.5
Low 730.65 728
Average 732.78 731.3
OMR TO PKR chart & Graph
Omani Riyal Profile
Name Symbol Minor Unit Minor Unit Symbol
Omani Riyal 1/1000 = Baisa bz
OMR to PKR Interbank Rates History
Date Buying Selling
Today 722.00 730.50
25 Mar, 25 723.40 731.90
23 Mar, 25 723.40 731.90
22 Mar, 25 723.40 731.90
21 Mar, 25 726.00 734.50
20 Mar, 25 726.00 734.50
19 Mar, 25 726.00 734.50
18 Mar, 25 726.00 734.50
17 Mar, 25 726.00 734.50
16 Mar, 25 726.00 734.50
15 Mar, 25 726.00 734.50
14 Mar, 25 726.00 734.50
13 Mar, 25 726.00 734.50
12 Mar, 25 726.00 734.50
11 Mar, 25 724.50 733.00
10 Mar, 25 724.50 733.00

Omani Riyal to PKR Rate

Weekly performance of OMR to PKR shows increased in value and Pakistani Rupee is up by PKR 2.50 or 0.341%. The peak conversion exchange rate of Omani Riyal to PKR was PKR 734.5 and lowest PKR 731.9 conversion.

Monthly Fluctuation of OMR to PKR

Monthly fluctuation during the last 30 days as follows for OMR to PKR: High PKR 734.5 and Low PKR 730.65 in value, where buying was PKR 722.00 and Selling 730.50

If you are resides in Oman and wants to transfer money to your family who live in Pakistan either if you are a supplier or trading goods and products between Pakistan and Oman and so on.

Can I exchange OMR to PKR at an airport?

If you are traveling to Pakistan and need Pakistani rupees, you may wonder if you can exchange Omani Riyal to PKR at the airport. While most airports have currency exchange services, it is advisable to exchange money before you leave Oman or Pakistan. Airport exchange services are known to have higher exchange rates and fees compared to other exchange providers. Therefore, you may end up receiving a lower exchange rate and paying more fees at the airport for OMR to PKR. It's always better to compare exchange rates and fees offered by different exchange providers in Oman or Pakistan and select the one that suits you best.

Is it better to exchange OMR to PKR in Oman or Pakistan?

Coming to the question of whether it's better to exchange Omani riyals for Pakistani rupees in Oman or Pakistan, it depends on several factors. Firstly, it's essential to check the exchange rates and fees offered by exchange providers in Oman and Pakistan for Oman currency to PKR exchange. Generally, the exchange rates in Oman are more stable than Pakistan, which means you may receive a better exchange rate in Oman. However, it's always better to check current exchange rates and compare them between both countries. Secondly, if you have leftover Omani riyals, it's better to exchange them in Oman as they may not be accepted in Pakistan. Therefore, it's advisable to plan and budget your expenses and exchange money accordingly before traveling to Pakistan.


How much is 1 Omani Riyal to PKR today?

Today 1 Omani Riyal to PKR is Rs 730.50. In the last 30 days, the rate of OMR to PKR has fallen.

What is the OMR to PKR Open Market Rate today?

The OMR to PKR Open Market Rate today is 730.50 Pakistani Rupees for selling.

How much is 50 OMR in PKR?

50 OMR is equivalent to 36525.00 Pakistani Rupees today.

How much is 100 OMR in PKR?

100 OMR is equivalent to 73050.00 Pakistani Rupees today.

Comments on OMR to PKR Rate in Pakistan

The best way to stay informed about currency fluctuations is by checking trusted financial websites regularly.

  • By: Shazia
  • on Wed 12 Mar, 2025

This website consistently provides accurate Riyal to PKR rates. The layout is simple, and updates happen fast. I check it regularly, and it has always been reliable.

  • By: Sadaf
  • on Wed 19 Feb, 2025

The USD to PKR exchange rate plays a crucial role in determining fuel prices and other essential commodities.

  • By: Saleem
  • on Tue 04 Feb, 2025

Stay ahead with the most accurate Riyal to PKR rates, available at a moment’s notice. The updates are swift and precise. The simple design allows for easy navigation at any time.

  • By: Alishba
  • on Sun 05 Jan, 2025

Get the most accurate Riyal to PKR rates instantly with this site. It’s reliable, fast, and very simple to use.

  • By: Shaheer
  • on Thu 02 Jan, 2025

Disclaimer: The currency exchange rates used on this page are obtained from various sources of money market. The rates here are only for info purpose and are not intended as a suggestion or recommendation to trade. Please refer your local money market or banks for daily updated rate.