Today Prayer Times Calgary, Canada
Today 21 Dec, 2024, Calgary Namaz Timings are Fajr 6:55 AM, Dhuhr 12:35 PM, Asr 2:16 PM, Maghrib 4:32 PM & Isha 6:15 PM.
The city azan, salat schedule & 7 days time table is also provided. Daily Fajar (Fajr) timing in Calgary, Dhuhur time, Asr time in Calgary, Maghrib Calgary prayer times & Isha Calgary Namaz timing are available. Today's 20 Jumada Al-Akhirah 1446 Calgary namaz timing with next 7 days Schedule from 21 Dec, 2024 to 27 Dec, 2024 with customizable prayer time calculation methods to calculate the proper time for your prayer. On other hand, you may also read Calgary zawal time updates with complete start and end time details.
Today Calgary Sun Set time or Iftar Time in Calgary is 8:38 AM and Dawn break Time or the end of Sehri Time in Calgary is 6:55 AM. Along with Calgary Prayers times you can also read the Calgary Sehri and Iftar time for Fiqa Hanafi (sunni) or Calgary Sehri and Iftar time for Fiqa Jafria (shia).
Prayer Timing Customization
By using this option you can change or adjust timing according to your country's prayer calculation methods. These timings are available for all Sunni schools of thought including Hanafi, Shafi, Maliki, and Hanbali.
You may also find here makrooh time updates including
Calgary zawal time with complete details start and end time.
Calgary Sun Set time that is also called Iftar Time in Calgary is 4:33 PM and Dawn break Time that is also end of Sehri Time in Calgary at 6:54 AM. Sehri and Iftar time is also called Ramadan Time during the month of Ramadan.
Calgary, Alberta, is home to a diverse Muslim community, with prayer times adjusted according to the city’s specific latitude and longitude. Calgary’s Muslim population is estimated at approximately 100,000, providing a vibrant Islamic environment. A large number of Muslims are immigrants who are living here for a job, business, or education purposes. Observing prayer times (salat) in Calgary follows either the Hanafi or Shafi'i fiqh for Sunni Muslims, with prayer times Calgary typically including Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha. The city also has a substantial Shi'a community, who may follow slight variations in prayer timing based on Jafari fiqh.
They provide prayer facilities for the Muslims living in the city and conduct salat as per the Calgary prayer time. However, some Muslims prefer to offer prayer at their home due to the long distance of mosques from their home. On the other side, mosques are not just a simple praying place but are also assisting Muslims in different activities. A lot of mosques act as a community center for Calgary’s Muslim community. They organize different welfare activities for the needy people of the community. In addition, they also conduct funerals, nikah, and other services. Several mosques have their madrasahs where Muslim students learn Quran and Hadith from Islamic scholars.
Major masjids, including the Muslim Council of Calgary Islamic Centre (NE), Al-Madinah Calgary Islamic Assembly, and Akram Jomaa Islamic Centre, play a central role in community worship and events. These mosques regularly update namaz times Calgary, making it easy for Muslims to find the correct Calgary prayer times for daily and Friday namaz times Calgary. During Ramadan, these centers organize special Taraweeh prayers and iftar gatherings to strengthen community bonds.
The Islamic events have high significance among the Muslim community living in Calgary. They eagerly wait for the holy Islamic days and months. Ramadan has high importance in Islam and Muslims in Calgary put special emphasis on good deeds during the entire month. Mosques and community centers also make special arrangements for Taraweeh prayer and iftar dinners. During Eid ul Fitr, Muslims meet with friends and family members and wish them a special occasion. They also celebrate Eid ul Adha by doing the sacrifice of animals at the designated places. Muslims also wish their friends from other religions or faiths on Holi, Diwali, Halloween, Easter, Christmas, and other events.
It is noted that the Calgary prayer time varies according to the jurisdiction method and sect. In the Hanafi and Shafii juristic methods, there is a difference in the Asr prayer starting time. You can offer salat as both Hanafi prayer time and Shafi prayer time in Calgary are mentioned here. If you belong to the Ahle Tashayyu sect then you can check the accurate CALGARY Shia prayer time.
Calgary Prayer Times Today
Prayer Time in Calgary for Saturday 21 Dec 2024 are:
- Fajr Time in Calgary: 6:55 AM
- Zuhr Time in Calgary: 12:35 PM
- Asr Time in Calgary: 2:16 PM
- Maghrib Time in Calgary: 4:32 PM
- Isha Time in Calgary: 6:15 PM
Q: What is Fajr time in Calgary?
A: Fajr start time in Calgary is at 6:55 AM and end time is 8:38 AM. Fajr consists of 4 Rakats as 2 Farz and 2 Sunnah.
Q: What time is Ishraq in Calgary?
A: Ishraq Namaz Timing in Calgary today starts at 08:53 AM and the end time is 10:36 AM.
Q: What is Zuhr Time in Calgary?
A: Zuhr starting time in Calgary is at 12:35 PM and the ending time is 2:16 PM. Zuhr Salah consists of 12 Rakat, including 4 Sunnah, 4 Farz, 2 Sunnah, and 2 nafl.
Q: What is Asr time in Calgary?
A: Today Asr prayer start time in Calgary is 2:16 PM, and it ends at 4:32 PM. It's an afternoon prayer consisting of 8 Rakat: 4 Sunnat and 4 Farz.
Q: What time is Maghrib in Calgary?
A: Maghrib start time in Calgary is at 4:32 PM, and the maghrib time end is 6:15 PM. It's a sunset prayer consisting of 7 Rakat: 3 Farz, 2 Sunnat, and 2 Nafl.
Q: What is Isha Time in Calgary?
A: Today Isha Namaz time Calgary starts at 6:15 PM and ends time at 6:55 AM. It's a night prayer consisting of 17 Rakat: 4 Sunnah, 4 Fard, 2 Sunnah, 2 Nafl, 3 Witr, and 2 Nafl.