Today Islamic date in UK is calculated as per the lunar-based calendar which consists of 12 Lunar months in a year of 354 or 355 days. A Muslim must know about the exact Islamic date today or chand ki date.
What is Islamic date today?
Today’s Islamic Date in UK in Islamic Hijri calendar is 23 Ramadan 1446. The current Islamic year is 1444 AH.
Today Islamic date in UK
Islamic Date Today – Islam is the second biggest religion in the UK with more than 3.3 million Muslims. The Muslim population has been growing significantly in the past years. Muslims celebrate according to the Hijri Calendar which is an Islamic calendar applicable in all Muslim countries.
However, the Islamic date today in the UK is as per the Islamic calendar. That’s why the Muslim calendar usually gives just an overview of today Islamic date in the UK 2023 and other upcoming dates. Islamic date in the UK or the Hijri date in the UK can be easily confirmed here.
The Islamic holidays in 2023 according to the Hijri calendar are such as Eid al Fitr, Eid Al Adha, Hajj, Ramadan, Shab e Mairaj, Shab e Baraat, and others. The Islamic date today in the UK has the all upcoming events.
The largest mosque in the UK is called the Bait ul Futuh Mosque. Numerous Mosques and Islamic centers are constructed in the UK for the Muslim community to flourish and grow in the Muslim faith.
To stay updated for all the latest news regarding Islamic date in UK 2023, bookmark the page. Islamic months are as follow Muharram, Safar, Rabi ul Awal, Rabi Al-Akhir (Rabi' al-Thani), Jumada Al-Awwal (Jumada al-Ula), Jumada Al-Akhirah (Jumada l-Ukhra or Jumada al-Thani), Rajab, Shaban (Sha'ban), Ramadan (also spell as Ramazan, Ramzan, Ramadhan), Shawwal, Dhul-Qadah (Dhu al-Qi'dah or Zu al-Qa'dah) and Dhul-Hijjah (Dhu al-Hijjah or Zu al-Hijjah).
Islamic Events in London
Muslims in London celebrate Islamic events with peace, harmony, and love. The Islamic Muslim community is growing in faith. Numerous faith-related events took place like Al-Hijra, Eid ul-Adha, Eid ul-Fitr, Ramadan, Shab e Baaraat, Shab e Mairaj, Laylat al Qadr, and others. Islamic community centers like Dawatul Islam Community & Cultural Centre, North London Muslim Community Centre, Bow Muslim Community Centre, Morden Islamic Community Centre, Morden Islamic Community Centre, and others bring Muslims from far and near close to follow Islamic jurisdiction. Islamic dates in the UK and other vital Islamic events in the UK can be easily viewed.
Islamic Events in Birmingham
The mosques and Islamic community centers play a significant role in religious and social activities that boost the Muslim faith. Hence numerous Islamic centers promote religious peace and harmony among the Muslim communities to grow in faith. Islamic community centers like BIS Hoover Crescent Islamic Center, Ismaili Community Center And Jamatkhana – Birmingham, BIS West Side Masjid, Al-Qubbatu Al-Khadra Masjid, Anniston Islamic Center, and others prepare Islamic events in the UK.
Islamic Events in Manchester
Muslims living in the UK wait for Islamic events annually. Islamic events in the UK like Waqf Al Arafa (Hajj), Eid Ul Adha, 12 Rabi Ul Awal, Chehlum, Ashura, and others are celebrated in Islamic Community centers. Islamic centers like Manchester Islamic Centre, Manchester Islamic Centre, Shair-e-Rabbani Islamic Centre, and Mosque, Alfurqan Islamic Centre Manchester, Jaffaria Islamic Centre, Salafi Centre of Manchester, and others play a vital role in fostering the Muslim faith.
Islamic Events in Luton
Islamic events in Luton are mostly celebrated in Islamic community centers and Mosques. Mosques and Islamic centers like Muslim Community Centre, Masjid Al-Ghurabaa, Al-Hira Masjid & Centre, Luton, Luton Turkish Community Association & Masjid, and many others host Islamic events like Eid-ul-Fitr, Ashura, Eid ul Adha, Eid ul Fitr in the UK
Islamic Events in Bradford
Muslims in Bradford take an active part in religious participation held in Islamic community centers. Islamic community centers like The IslamBradford Centre, Al-Hira Islamic Centre, Umm ul Qura Islamic Centre Bradford, Madinatul Uloom & Islamic Center Jamea Mosque, Bayt Al Qaim Centre, Islamic Cultural & Educational Association, and many others hold Islamic events in the UK. These events include Hajj, Eid ul Fitr, Eid ul Adha, Ashura, and Eid Milad ul Nabi.
Today Arabic date for
Birmingham, City Of London, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, Glasgow, Bristol, Edinburgh
and others cities are also available on this page.