Today Islamic date in US is calculated as per the lunar-based calendar which consists of 12 Lunar months in a year of 354 or 355 days. A Muslim must know about the exact Islamic date today or chand ki date.
What is Islamic date today?
Today’s Islamic Date in US in Islamic Hijri calendar is 24 Ramadan 1446. The current Islamic year is 1445 AH.
Today Islamic date in US
Islam is the third religion practiced in US. More than 3 million Muslims live in US. More than 2,769 mosques are constructed in US in 2024. The largest mosque is located in Dearborn, Michigan. Muslims in US are living peacefully and follow all the religious events. However, the Islamic date today in US is as per the Islamic calendar.
That’s why the Muslim calendar usually gives just the overview of today Islamic date in US 2024 and other upcoming dates. All the Islamic date today in US or Hijri date in US can be viewed easily.
The is designed to assist vacations according to the Islamic holidays 2024 such as Eid al Fitr, Eid Al Adha, Hajj, etc. Other than Urdu date today and Georgian date respectively can be found. Islamic date today in US and the upcoming dates can be looked at.
This page is a perfect place for people who are interested in today Islamic date in US. It is recommended that you should bookmark this page to keep updated about the Islamic date today in US 2022. Islamic months are as follow Muharram, Safar, Rabi ul Awal, Rabi Al-Akhir (Rabi' al-Thani), Jumada Al-Awwal (Jumada al-Ula), Jumada Al-Akhirah (Jumada l-Ukhra or Jumada al-Thani), Rajab, Shaban (Sha'ban), Ramadan (also spell as Ramazan, Ramzan, Ramadhan), Shawwal, Dhul-Qadah (Dhu al-Qi'dah or Zu al-Qa'dah) and Dhul-Hijjah (Dhu al-Hijjah or Zu al-Hijjah).
Mosques like Islamic Center of America – Dearborn, Michigan, Al-Farooq Masjid – Atlanta, Georgia, Dar al-Islam Mosque – Abiquiu, New Mexico, Islamic Center of Greater Toledo, Islamic Center of Central Missouri, Islamic Center of Washington, Assalam Center – Boca Raton, Noor Islamic Cultural Center – Columbus and others are not beautifully constructed but also support additional support to Muslims coming from different regions in the US.
According to Islamic calendars dates and events to be celebrated in US are as follows Lailat al Miraj, Lailat al Bara’ah, Ramadan, Laylat al Qadr, Eid-al-Fitr, Eid-al-Adha, Day of Ashura / Muharram, and Milad un Nabi.
Today Arabic dates for Phoenix, Los Angeles, San Diego, Chicago, Brooklyn, Manhattan, New York City, Philadelphia, Houston, San Antonio and other cities are also available on this page.
Islamic Events in New York City
Muslims living in New York celebrate Islamic events with communities in a mosque and Islamic centers. It increases their faith, unity, and harmony. Some popular Islamic centers include the Islamic cultural center riverside drive, the Islamic Center at NYU, and the Islamic Society of Mid Manhattan. There are other centers near almost every town where Muslims of NY get to gather and celebrate their religious dates with Muslim brothers and sisters. Upcoming Islamic important dates of Eid are also celebrated in these community centers and mosques.
Islamic Events in Chicago
Muslims living in Chicago celebrate Islamic Events with their families and friends in mosques and Islamic centers. An Islamic center helps to work in communities equally. Participation increases brotherhood and promotes the sunnah practices. Islamic community centers like the Islamic Community Center of Illinois (ICCI), Lakeshore Muslim Community Center, Dar ul Eimaan Islamic Community Center, Downtown Islamic Center, and Mahdavia Islamic Center of Chicago celebrate important dates for all the Islamic events in US.
Islamic Events in Houston
Muslims living in Houston celebrate Islamic events with friends in community centers. Mosques and Islamic centers constructed in Houston work in accordance with Islamic jurisdiction. Islamic community centers like ISGH River Oaks Islamic Center (ROIC), Texas Islamic Community Center, Medical Center Islamic Society (New Almeda Masjid), ISGH Bear Creek Islamic Center (BCIC) | Masjid Al-Mustafa, Ibrahim Islamic Center, Clear Lake Islamic Center – Masjid celebrate important Islamic dates for all the Islamic events in US.
Islamic Events in Boston
Muslims in US live in peace and celebrate their Islamic events in various mosques and Islamic centers. These Islamic centers play an important life for Muslims. Important Islamic events like Eid ul Fitr, Eid ul-Adha, Ramadan, Eid Milad ul Nabi, Shab e Baraat, Youm e Ali, and Shab e Mairaj are celebrated in Mosques and Islamic centers. Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, Boston Islamic Center, Masjid Ar-Rahman (Nigeria Islamic Society of Massachusetts), Al-Furqan Islamic Center, Malden Islamic Center, and others follow Islamic laws and celebrate Islamic date in US.
Islamic Events in Dallas
Muslims living in USA are growing in numbers. Muslims observe Islamic dates in US with great respect and love for Muslim brothers. Various Mosques and Islamic centers prepare the biggest commemoration with family and friends. Islamic centers like Al Razzaq Islamic Centre, Masjid al-Islam - Dallas, Islamic Association of North Texas (IANT), Duncanville Islamic Center, Bosniaks Islamic Center Dallas-Fort Worth, and others play a significant role in preparing for Islamic events in US.
Today Arabic date for
Phoenix, Los Angeles, San Diego, Chicago, Brooklyn, Manhattan, New York City, Philadelphia, Houston, San Antonio
and others cities are also available on this page.