SGD - Today SGD to PKR Rate

207.24 PKR

Today, on July 27, 2024, the exchange rate for 1 SGD to PKR is RS. 206.87 in the interbank market, as reported by the State Bank of Pakistan. The Singapore Dollar to PKR exchange rate changed from 207.29 to 207.24 during the last trading session in the currency market. The Singapore Dollar to Pakistani Rupee has fallen by PKR 0.05, a change of 0.024%, in the trading session.

Interbank SGD Rate
27 Jul 24 PKR206.87 PKR207.24
Open Market Rate
27 Jul 24 PKR202.50 PKR204.50
1 Singapore Dollar = 207.24 Pakistani Rupees
As on Jul 27, 2024 at 04:28 PST (GMT+5)
SGD to PKR Stats
Last 30 days Last 90 days
High 207.72 207.72
Low 205.13 204.83
Average 206.45 206
SGD TO PKR chart & Graph
SGD to PKR Interbank Rates History
Date Buying Selling
Today 206.87 207.24
27 Jul, 24 206.87 207.24
26 Jul, 24 206.91 207.29
25 Jul, 24 206.63 207.00
24 Jul, 24 206.91 207.29
23 Jul, 24 206.76 207.13
22 Jul, 24 207.35 207.72
21 Jul, 24 207.35 207.72
20 Jul, 24 207.35 207.72
19 Jul, 24 207.35 207.72
18 Jul, 24 207.28 207.65
17 Jul, 24 207.28 207.65
16 Jul, 24 207.28 207.65
15 Jul, 24 206.83 207.20
14 Jul, 24 206.83 207.20
13 Jul, 24 206.83 207.20

Singapore Dollar to PKR Rate

Weekly performance of SGD to PKR shows decrease in value and Pakistani Rupee is down by PKR -0.04 or -0.019%. The peak conversion exchange rate of Singapore Dollar to PKR was PKR 207.72 and lowest PKR 207 conversion.

Monthly Fluctuation of SGD to PKR

Monthly fluctuation during the last 30 days as follows for SGD to PKR: High PKR 207.72 and Low PKR 205.13 in value, where buying was PKR 206.87 and Selling 207.24

SGD to PKR Rates - Find best online Singaporean Dollar to Pakistan Rupees Rates in Pakistan. Daily updated live SGD to PKR currency exchange rates in open market, inter bank, and International Singaporean Dollar to PKR Rupees forex rates on These real time 1 SGD to PKR = 115.00, foreign exchange rates are highly accurate. Here you will also find Singapore Dollar to Pakistan Rupees rates archives, forex news, forex dealers directory, gold rates, Pakistan prize bond results and lots more.

Singapore is among the smallest countries in the world. However, it is also among the key well developed countries. Singapore is acknowledged for its contribution in different sectors and especially in business and education. The country welcomes people from all round the world for job, business, tourism, education, etc. The SGD to PKR rate page is handy for those people who want to make conversion from Singapore Dollar to Pakistani Rupee. On the other side, with the PKR to SGD rate page, they can check the conversion rate of Pakistani Rupee into Singapore Dollar and can remain updated about the latest forex rates.

You can also check the other popular currency rates in pakistan USD TO PKR, EURO TO PKR, Pound to PKR, AED TO PKR, Riyal TO PKR, CAD TO PKR, AUD TO PKR, Omani Riyal to PKR, Ringgit to PKR, RMB to PKR, INR TO PKR and Gold Rate in Pakistan.


How much is 1 Singapore Dollar to PKR today?

Today 1 Singapore Dollar to PKR is Rs 207.24. In the last 30 days, the rate of SGD to PKR has fallen.

What is the SGD to PKR Interbank Rate today?

The SGD to PKR Interbank Rate today is 207.24 Pakistani Rupees for selling.

What is the SGD to PKR Open Market Rate today?

The SGD to PKR Open Market Rate today is 204.50 Pakistani Rupees for selling.

How much is 50 SGD in PKR?

50 SGD is equivalent to 10362.00 Pakistani Rupees today.

How much is 100 SGD in PKR?

100 SGD is equivalent to 20724.00 Pakistani Rupees today.

Comments on SGD to PKR Rate in Pakistan

This page is fantastic for monitoring the Singapore Dollar to Pakistani Rupee exchange rate. The real-time updates are particularly helpful for anyone dealing with these currencies.

  • By: Abrar
  • on Tue 09 Jul, 2024

Stay informed about SGD to PKR rates seamlessly, ensuring you are equipped with the latest data for successful financial planning and transactions.

  • By: Javed
  • on Tue 02 Jan, 2024

With the Singapore Dollar (SGD) to Pakistani Rupee (PKR) exchange rate readily accessible, this website serves as a useful platform for individuals and businesses involved in Singapore-Pakistan trade or monetary transactions.

  • By: Jahanzeb
  • on Thu 22 Jun, 2023

Offering the exchange rate between the Singapore Dollar (SGD) and the Pakistani Rupee (PKR), this page serves as a reliable resource for individuals or businesses engaged in financial activities between Singapore and Pakistan.

  • By: Aryan Khan
  • on Tue 20 Jun, 2023

This website offers reliable exchange rates for converting Singapore Dollar (SGD) to Pakistani Rupee (PKR), making it a useful reference for individuals involved in financial transactions between the two currencies.

  • By: Faizan
  • on Fri 16 Jun, 2023

Disclaimer: The currency exchange rates used on this page are obtained from various sources of money market. The rates here are only for info purpose and are not intended as a suggestion or recommendation to trade. Please refer your local money market or banks for daily updated rate.