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Dil Saraapaa Waqf Sodaye Nigah e Taiz Hai

Poet: Mirza Ghalib

Dil Saraapaa Waqf Sodaye Nigah e Taiz Hai

دل سراپا وقفِ سودائے نگاہِ تیز ہے
یہ زمیں مثلِ نیستاں‘ سخت ناوک خیز ہے

ہو سکے کیا خاک دست و بازوئے فرہاد سے
بے ستوں‘ خوابِ گرانِ خسروِ پرویز ہے

ہے بہارِ تیز رو گلگونِ نکہت پر سوار
یک شکستِ رنگِ گل‘ صد جنبشِ مہمیز ہے

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Dil Saraapaa Waqf Sodaye Nigah e Taiz Hai Poetry - Urdu poetry is filled with so many emotions and insights. Just like this couplet of Mirza Ghalib poetry in which says Dil Saraapaa Waqf Sodaye Nigah e Taiz Hai. You will find 2 lines and ghazals in image & text form on Mirza Ghalib shayari. Within the vast realm of Urdu poetry, you'll discover a diverse spectrum of themes like sad, love, friendship, mother, father and Islam. Renowned poets such as Allama Iqbal, John Elia, Ahmad Faraz, and Mirza Ghalib has beautifully written Urdu shayari about these timeless themes.