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Hazrat Ali Quotes in English

Poet: Hazrat Ali Razi Allah Tala Anhu By: Rahil, Sawat

1.“Don’t develop friendship with the enemy of your friend; otherwise your friend will turn into an enemy.” – Hazrat Ali (RA)
2.“Allah is tested with fire, and the believer is tested with trials.” – Hazrat Ali (RA)
3.“It is easier to turn a mountain into dust than to create love in a heart that is filled with hatred.” – Hazrat Ali (RA)
4.“When the people of truth remain quiet against falsehood, the people of falsehood start believing it is the truth.” – Hazrat Ali (RA)
5.“.There is no good in silence when it comes to knowledge, just as there is no good in speaking when it comes to ignorance.” – Hazrat Ali (RA)
6.“He who is deserted by friends and relatives will often find help and sympathy from strangers.” – Hazrat Ali (RA)
7.“The tongue is like a lion, if you let it loose, it will wound someone.” – Hazrat Ali (RA)
8.“If you are the recipient of kindness, remember it. If you are the giver of kindness, forget it!” – Hazrat Ali (RA)
9.“Knowledge is better than wealth, Knowledge protects you but with wealth you have to protect it.” – Hazrat Ali (RA)
10.“Humbleness clothes you in dignity.” – Hazrat Ali (RA)
11.“Greed is permanent slavery.” – Hazrat Ali (RA)
12.“Jealousy by a friend means defect in his love.” – Hazrat Ali(RA)
13.“Your souls are precious, and can only be equal to the price of paradise. Therefore, sell them only at that price.” – Hazrat Ali(RA)
14.“Do not criticize too much. Too much criticism leads to hate and bad behavior.” – Hazrat Ali (RA)
15.“Don’t show pleasure in somebody’s downfall, for you have no knowledge of what the future holds in store for you.” – Hazrat ali (RA)
16“Fear the sins that you commit in secret because the witness of those sins is the Judge Himself.” – Hazrat Ali (RA)
17“Sometimes your prayers are turned down, because you often, unknowingly, ask for things that are really harmful to you.” – Hazrat Ali (RA)
18“Beautiful people are not always good, but good people are always beautiful.” – Hazrat Ali(RA)
19“If you don’t know a thing, never hesitate or feel ashamed to learn it.” – Hazrat Ali (RA
20“See the bad inside yourself, and see the good inside others.” – Hazrat Ali (RA)

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10 Mar, 2022
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