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My English Teacher

Poet: Mahin By: Hareem, Gujranwala

How lucky we were to start our day,
With laughs, love, and a lot of grace,
She's modest, wise, honest, And brave,
She'll cheer you up when you just need a break

Even when you have a bad day,
She'll pick you up and slap your face,
Remind you of all the good things ahead,
That your life is perfect in every aspect

Her happiness is contagious,
Her charisma is blinding,
She is the best at advising

No matter how much I struggled within,
She taught me to keep on going,
That life will always be this way,
So you should just smile everyday

With her we learnt,
Like books, memories can't be burnt,
You won't find a scaffold for them,
So, it's better to learn to deal with them

I'll let you in on a secret to know,
If you stay with her you won't be bored,
Mess with her and you won't be cured,
Together we've had so much fun,
If you insult someone, get ready to run

Now when we grow old (but not ill of course),
We can still look back and feel you close,
And remember all those inside jokes,
with Chips, heroes, and the modern prose

I've learnt to be humble,
For in a universe so humongous,
That could fit billions of stars,
We're part of nothing but a single dot,

She's got a lot to give,
She is the teacher who inspired me to live


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Views: 1943
21 Jun, 2019
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