10 Sahaba Names for Baby Boys

Naming is always a great challenge to every parent; more so if they are Muslims since a child’s name is deemed to hold a deep meaning and is regarded as religious. Top Muslim icons are the Sahaba the companions of prophet Muhammad (PBUH). These people have contributed greatly to the early formation of Islam and their stories are vivid up to today because of fearlessness, intelligence and faith.

Hence, naming a baby boy by Sahaba’s name is a noble thing so that he can embrace the great history of Islam. These names are not only beautiful and unique but come along with noble characters from the Sahaba’s blessings. If a parent wants to name his child for courageous, wise, or pious, there is no lacking of options among the Sahaba names.

As for naming, one needs to know what the name means and where it came from. More often than not the names of the Sahaba are derived from the virtues they possessed in their lifetime for instance courage, fidelity and commitment to Allah. That is why when deciding on the name for the child, parents can give their child a lasting lesson and obtain a name that will help them become honorable and righteous people.

Here is a list of 10 Sahaba names for baby boys along with their meaning. All these names can be useful source of inspiration for the families who seek for religious name with positive impact on the child’s life. These ten Sahaba Names for Baby Boys are culturally rich and apt as they also help in building the baby’s personality.

Names English Meaning
Abu Bakr Father of a young camel (Symbolizes closeness to the Prophet)
Umar Flourishing, prosperous
Uthman Baby bustard (A type of bird)
Ali Noble, exalted
Hamza Lion, strong and brave
Bilal Moist, refreshing (Related to the first caller of prayer)
Khalid Eternal, immortal
Saad Felicity, happiness
Talha Fruit-bearing tree
Zubair Strong, powerful

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