Top 100 Muslim Boy Names with Meaning
When it comes to welcoming a new life into the world, choosing the perfect name holds a special place in Muslim culture. A name is more than just a label; it's a reflection of values, aspirations, and heritage.
When it comes to welcoming a new life into the world, choosing the perfect name holds a special place in Muslim culture. A name is more than just a label; it's a reflection of values, aspirations, and heritage.
In this curated list, we present 100 Muslim boy names, each with a profound meaning that encapsulates the essence of Islamic teachings and the beauty of the Arabic language.
1. Abeer:
Abeer is an ancient Arabic origin name; it means ‘fragrance of the rose’.
2. Zayd:
Zayd is an Arabic name meaning 'abundance' or 'growth'.
3. Idris:
Idris is a name of Arabic origin, signifying 'studious' and referring to a prophet mentioned in the Quran.
4. Rayyan:
Rayyan is an Arabic name that translates to 'luxuriant' and is associated with one of the gates of paradise.
5. Faris:
Faris is an Arabic name that means 'knight' or 'horseman'.
6. Samir:
Samir is a name of Arabic origin, representing an 'entertaining companion' or someone who is 'jovial'.
7. Amin:
Amin is an Arabic name that signifies 'trustworthy' and 'faithful'.
8. Yasir:
Yasir is a name of Arabic origin, meaning 'wealthy' or 'prosperous'.
9. Karim:
Karim is an Arabic name denoting 'generous' and 'noble'.
10. Rafiq:
Rafiq is an Arabic name that translates to 'companion' or 'friend'.
11. Rashid:
Rashid is an Arabic name signifying 'rightly guided' and 'wise'.
12. Hamza:
Hamza is an Arabic name that means 'lion' and represents strength.
13. Talha:
Talha is a name of Arabic origin, symbolizing a 'fruitful tree' and also referring to a companion of the Prophet.
14. Arif:
Arif is an Arabic name meaning 'knowledgeable' and 'perceptive'.
15. Jibril:
Jibril is an Arabic name associated with the archangel Gabriel, who is a 'messenger of God'.
16. Rami:
Rami is a name of Arabic origin, signifying an 'archer' or 'marksman'.
17. Saif:
Saif is an Arabic name that translates to 'sword' and represents a 'warrior'.
18. Zaki:
Zaki is an Arabic name that means 'pure' and 'virtuous'.
19. Hasan:
Hasan is an Arabic name denoting 'handsome' and 'good'.
20. Faisal:
Faisal is an Arabic name signifying 'decisive' and 'resolute'.
21. Malik: Malik is an Arabic name that translates to 'king' or 'master'.
22. Tariq: Tariq is a name of Arabic origin, meaning the 'morning star' and referring to a 'conqueror'.
23. Anas: Anas is an Arabic name representing a 'friend' or 'companion'.
24. Qasim: Qasim is an Arabic name that signifies a 'distributor' or one who 'divides'.
25. Zain: Zain is an Arabic name meaning 'beauty' or 'grace'.
26. Saeed: Saeed is an Arabic name that translates to 'happy' or 'fortunate'.
27. Nabil: Nabil is an Arabic name denoting 'noble' and 'skilled'.
28. Yasin: Yasin is an Arabic name, and it's also a chapter in the Quran; it's a common name for boys.
29. Kamil: Kamil is an Arabic name that means 'perfect' or 'complete'.
30. Nizar: Nizar is an Arabic name signifying 'radiant' and 'flourishing'.
31. Ilyas: Ilyas is an Arabic name referring to the prophet Elijah.
32. Fawad: Fawad is an Arabic name meaning 'heart' or 'soul'.
33. Daud: Daud is an Arabic name referring to the prophet David.
34. Luqman: Luqman is an Arabic name that represents 'wise' and 'sage'.
35. Muntasir: Muntasir is an Arabic name that translates to 'victorious' or 'triumphant'.
36. Umar: Umar is an Arabic name signifying 'long-lived' and it's associated with the second Caliph of Islam.
37. Usman: Usman is an Arabic name that means 'trustworthy' and refers to a companion of the Prophet.
38. Rafi: Rafi is an Arabic name denoting 'exalted' and 'noble'.
39. Ayyub: Ayyub is an Arabic name referring to the prophet Job.
40. Waqar: Waqar is an Arabic name that translates to 'dignity' and 'respect'.
41. Khalid: Khalid is an Arabic name meaning 'eternal' or 'immortal'.
42. Taha: Taha is an Arabic name, and it's also a chapter in the Quran; it's a name of the Prophet.
43. Burhan: Burhan is an Arabic name that translates to 'proof' or 'evidence'.
44. Musa: Musa is an Arabic name referring to the prophet Moses.
45. Nasir: Nasir is an Arabic name signifying 'helper' or 'supporter'.
46. Munir: Munir is an Arabic name that translates to 'radiant' or 'illuminating'.
47. Aamir: Aamir is an Arabic name meaning 'prosperous' or 'full of life'.
48. Haris: Haris is an Arabic name denoting 'guardian' or 'protector'.
49. Qadir: Qadir is an Arabic name that signifies 'capable' or 'powerful'.
50. Youssef: Youssef is an Arabic name referring to the prophet Joseph.
51. Uthman: Uthman is an Arabic name signifying 'baby bustard' and it's associated with the third Caliph of Islam.
52. Kareem: Kareem is an Arabic name that means 'generous' or 'noble'.
53. Khalil: Khalil is an Arabic name denoting 'friend' or 'beloved'.
54. Imran: Imran is an Arabic name referring to the father of Maryam (Virgin Mary).
55. Naseem: Naseem is an Arabic name translating to 'breeze' or 'fresh air'.
56. Adil: Adil is an Arabic name signifying 'just' or 'fair'.
57. Zahir: Zahir is an Arabic name that means 'manifest' or 'evident'.
58. Yameen: Yameen is an Arabic name translating to 'oath' or 'right hand'.
59. Wahid: Wahid is an Arabic name meaning 'unique' or 'singular'.
60. Saleem: Saleem is an Arabic name signifying 'safe' or 'sound'.
61. Mustafa: Mustafa is an Arabic name denoting 'chosen' and it's one of the Prophet's titles.
62. Waleed: Waleed is an Arabic name meaning 'newborn' or 'infant'.
63. Tawfiq: Tawfiq is an Arabic name that signifies 'success' or 'divine guidance'.
64. Bilal: Bilal is an Arabic name referring to 'water' and he was the first muezzin of Islam.
65. Iqbal: Iqbal is an Arabic name signifying 'prosperity' or 'success'.
66. Akram: Akram is an Arabic name meaning 'most generous' or 'kind-hearted'.
67. Hadi: Hadi is an Arabic name denoting 'guide' or 'leader'.
68. Rizwan: Rizwan is an Arabic name translating to 'acceptance' or 'pleasure'.
69. Nasir: Nasir is an Arabic name signifying 'helper' or 'protector'.
70. Arman: Arman is an Arabic name that means 'desire' or 'wish'.
71. Majid: Majid is an Arabic name denoting 'glorious' or 'honorable'.
72. Amir: Amir is an Arabic name translating to 'prince' or 'leader'.
73. Zain: Zain is an Arabic name meaning 'beauty' or 'grace'.
74. Rauf: Rauf is an Arabic name signifying 'compassionate' or 'kind'.
75. Qasim: Qasim is an Arabic name that signifies a 'distributor' or one who 'divides'.
76. Imran: Imran is an Arabic name referring to 'prosperity' or 'long life'.
77. Faisal: Faisal is an Arabic name signifying 'judge' or 'arbitrator'.
78. Saad: Saad is an Arabic name translating to 'felicity' or 'good luck'.
79. Nuh: Nuh is an Arabic name referring to the prophet Noah.
80. Tahir: Tahir is an Arabic name denoting 'pure' or 'clean'.
81. Azeem: Azeem is an Arabic name meaning 'great' or 'magnificent'.
82. Hamid: Hamid is an Arabic name signifying 'praiseworthy' or 'commendable'.
83. Aamir: Aamir is an Arabic name translating to 'inhabitant' or 'prosperous'.
84. Irfan: Irfan is an Arabic name denoting 'knowledge' or 'awareness'.
85. Usman: Usman is an Arabic name signifying 'baby bustard' or 'wise'.
86. Zayan: Zayan is an Arabic name meaning 'ornament' or 'beauty'.
87. Raheel: Raheel is an Arabic name denoting 'traveler' or 'emigrant'.
88. Kareem: Kareem is an Arabic name that means 'generous' or 'noble'.
89. Asad: Asad is an Arabic name translating to 'lion' or 'courageous'.
90. Aariz: Aariz is an Arabic name signifying 'respectable' or 'leader'.
91. Junaid: Junaid is an Arabic name that translates to 'soldier' or 'warrior'.
92. Fawwaz: Fawwaz is an Arabic name denoting 'successful' or 'triumphant'.
93. Qamar: Qamar is an Arabic name referring to the 'moon' or 'celestial'.
94. Ishaq: Ishaq is an Arabic name referring to the prophet Isaac.
95. Zayyan: Zayyan is an Arabic name signifying 'adornment' or 'beauty'.
96. Sami: Sami is an Arabic name translating to 'elevated' or 'high'.
97. Raziq: Raziq is an Arabic name meaning 'provider' or 'sustainer'.
98. Adnan: Adnan is an Arabic name signifying 'settler' or 'dweller'.
99. Azhar: Azhar is an Arabic name translating to 'bright' or 'radiant'.
100. Bilal: Bilal is an Arabic name referring to 'water' or 'moistening'.
Each of these 100 Muslim boy names is not only a combination of beautiful sounds but also a profound message that reflects the values and teachings of Islam. As you embark on the journey of naming your child, may this list serve as a source of inspiration, guiding you to select a name that resonates with your family's heritage and dreams for the future.
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