20 Sahaba Names for Baby Boys

Selecting a name for the newborn is a very important aspect of the lives of every individual because a name has significant importance in the lives of people all through their lifetime. When choosing a name for their baby boys, the majority of Muslims prefer to draw inspiration from lives of Sahaba (companions of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Sahaba is also honored in Islam, and names of people related to sahaba is typically synonymous with pious, brave and faithful individuals. These are names that have been used over the years and no one can really argue that they are out dated.

Turning to the companions of the Prophet for meaningful as well as traditional names, parents will find more than enough to consider. Out of thousands of Sahaba it is Zaid whose name has been directly mentioned in the Quran. However, others, equally important, also exist in the history of Islam, as politicians, soldiers, academics and avid followers of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Parents may find it easier to choose a name from among these esteemed personalities as they are sure to bring values of faith and integrity into a child’s life.

The meaning along with the previous history of the name, should also be taken into consideration whenever searching for a name. About ninety of Sahaba names have meanings such as wisdom, strength, courage and even kindness. Not only are the qualities of the Sahaba being respected, but the child is encouraged to adopt them as well.

If you are considering 20 Sahaba names for baby boys then you will find some classic and impactful names for little boy here. All these names are associated with history, which provides a link to the first companions of Islam who supported the Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

Names English Meaning
Zaid Growth, abundance
Umar Flourishing, long-lived
Bilal Freshness, water
Ali Exalted, noble
Hamza Lion, strong
Khalid Eternal, immortal
Saad Happiness, good fortune
Talha Fruit-bearing tree
Muadh Protected, safeguarded
Anas Friendliness, companionship
Yasir Easy, prosperous
Ammar Builder, constructor
Suhail Ease, peace
Abbas Lion, stern
Abdullah Servant of Allah
Salman Safe, healthy
Uthman Baby bustard (bird)
Harith Plower, cultivator
Abu Bakr Father of the young camel
Saeed Happy, fortunate

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