20 Sahabiyat Names For Baby Girls

Picking the right name for a baby girl is a very important process for many people as the name is associated with religious and cultural aspects. Most Muslim parents know about the Sahabiyat that is the female companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). These women were not only respected for their chastity and courage but also unique participants in the development of Islam in early days.

The selection of a name from the list of Sahabiyat introduces the child to this great Islamic history directly. These names are sacred and have historical value as symbols of spiritual power. They can be used as a daily reminder of what those women were – virtuous and brave.

For parents who want to find a name with Islamic significance, 20 Sahabiyat Names for Baby Girls give lovely options with meanings. Every one of these names represents the honor, wisdom, and commitment of the Sahabiyat making them suitable for naming baby girls. These names also hold another significant part of the meaning which is virtues any parent would desire to find their child having for instance faith, knowledge and patience.

Apart from their religious significance, they have more common appeal to everyone. Most of them are phonetically simple and have clear and universal denotations that are well fit for modernity. If you prefer a name that is traditional or different, there is a great collection of 20 Sahabiyat Names for Baby Girls.

Here are 20 Sahabiyat names along with their meanings:

Names English Meaning
Asma High status or excellence
Fatimah One who abstains
Khadijah Premature or early-born
Aisha Living, life
Hafsa Young lioness
Zainab Fragrant flower
Sumayyah High, lofty
Umm Salamah Mother of peace
Ruqayyah Gentle, rise
Safiyyah Pure, chosen
Mariam Beloved
Umm Habibah Mother of Habibah
Sauda Dark complexion
Barakah Blessing
Juwayriyah Young girl
Nusaybah Small tree
Ramlah Softness
Salma Peaceful
Lubaba The innermost essence
Fari'ah Elevated, highest

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