Achay Islamic Naam - Top 10 Islami Names & Their Meanings
Islamic baby names are the most adored names by Muslim parents. All the names directly driven from Islamic history have high regard in Muslim communities. Here we have come up with the top 10 Islamic baby names and their meaning to help out all the parents looking for super amazing Islamic names. A new name assigned to a Muslim child, after his/her birth, and he/she used to be called by a new name, usually in the Arabic language.
The reason is that Asma ul Husna (Names of Allah), names of prophets, Sahaba names, and names from Islamic history generally belong from the Arabic language. However, some parents or families also prefer to assign modern Muslim names or unique Muslim names to their children. Checkout this blog and find the best Islamic name for your little angle.
Kindness and sharing are two values you would want your son to possess. Muhammad is a perfect name to give to your child. Muhammad means “praised, commendable”.
All of us wish to raise a girl who is full of virtue and has a kind heart. Fatima is one such name with an endearing meaning. It means ‘one who weans an infant or one who abstains.’
Haider is a common Arabic name that means "brave, lion". Haider name possesses attractiveness in it and it is the most lovable name in Arabic countries mostly.
Zainab name highly popular in Muslim parents as it is an attractive girl name with good meaning. Zainab name means “generosity, munificence, fragrant flower”.
Kabir name means “the great”. This name signifies the qualities of leadership. It is a cute as well as a strong name to develop a good personality.
A beautiful girl name Ayesha meaning is “happy living”. It is a beautiful girl name originated from the Arabic language. It is a typical Islamic girl name that Muslim parents love a lot.
Taha is a beautiful holy name as it is also the name of the Quran’s Surah. It means: "pure, mystic”. It is a Quranic boy's name.
Zehra means ‘shining or flower.’ This name originated from the Arabic language and is a Muslim baby girl’s name.
There are many children named Ahmed around us. It is the most common name as there must be one Ahmed in every house. The meaning of the name is: "worthy of praise, trustworthy, noble".
A beautiful Arabic name amna have a high regard in Islamic society. Amna name meaning is “filled with honesty and trustworthy nature”
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