Animal Names in Urdu with Meaning
An animal is related to any eukaryotic multi-cellular organism that belongs to the biological kingdom of Animal. Animals have many characteristics that set them apart from other living things. Animals also have a huge impact on human lives. As a source of meat, milk and eggs, animals is also a source of material where as some of them are solely domestic animals like cow, sheep. Humans use many other types of animals, such as for food, for materials (such as leather and wool), as pets, and for domestic animals, including transportation. Dogs have been used in hunting, as have birds of prey.
Animals are classified into ecological groups based on how they obtain or use organic matter, including carnivores, herbivores, omnivores, detritivores, and parasites. Interaction between animals creates complex food traps. Here we are naming some animal that are easily found in almost each part of the world. All the Animal names in Urdu with meaning are provided to help you understand it easily.
English | Urdu | Roman |
Bear | ریچھ۔بالو | Reech, Bhaloo |
Camel | اونٹ | Unth |
Deer | ہرن | Heran |
Elephant | ہاتھی | Hathee |
Donkey | گدھا | Gadhaa |
Fox | لومڑی | Loomree |
Dog | کتا | Kutaa |
Buffalo | بھینس | Bhains |
Hippopotamus | دریائی گھوڑا | Daryi gorha |
Horse | گھوڑا | Gorha |
Goat | بکری | Bakree |
Jackal | گیدڈ | Geedahd |
Gorilla | گوریلا | Gorilla |
Lion | شیر | Shair |
Monkey | بندر | Bandar |
Ox | بیل | Bail |
Rabbit, Hare | خرگوش | Khargosh |
Sheep | بھیڑ | Bhair |
Rhinoceros | گینڈا | Gainda |
Tiger, Panther, Leopard | چیتا | Cheetah |
Giraffe | زرافہ | Zarfaa |
Mule | خچر | khchar |
Bull | سانڈ | Saand |
Cow | گائے | Gayee |
Kangaroo | کینگرو | Kangroo |
Cat | بلی | Bilee |
Squirrel | گلہری | Galhree |
Mare | گھوڑی | Ghoree |
Zebra | زیبرا | Zebraa |
Tiger | شیر | Shair |
Ewe | بھیڑ | Bhair |
Animals have an important role in the environment, ecosystem, and our daily life. They make great companions, especially the smaller mammals. The significance of animals cannot be overstated. Our existence would be impossible without them. Keeping animals as pets is one of the most prevalent uses for them. Fish, birds, insects, and even huge mammals like monkeys are among the animals we keep as pets. Cats and dogs are the most popular pets, and they have been anthropomorphized the most of any mammals. Let’s explore about the animal names in Urdu with meaning.
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