Attractive Tribal Names For Boys That Are Gaining Popularity
Names are the identity of an individual that provides recognition among others. The region where people lives are influencing the naming culture as well. It is observed that now the tribal names are gaining popularity in cities and are becoming the new interest of urban people. Tribal names are not just beautiful but also keep a deep meaning and strong influence especially when it comes to tribal names for boys.
We have listed some amazing tribal names for boys that are highly popular nowadays. Check out the list for best tribal names.
BehramBahram is an Arabic boy name that means the planet or the sky. The person with this name has a slightly sharp temperament. It is quite popular in urban cities.
BalajBalaj is a Balochi tribal name that is rising as a new trending name. Balaj's name meaning is Glitter ore Shine.
ZarakZarak is a short name that possesses beautiful meaning. It’s an Arabic originated name that means Gift of God or The Gold.
GhaziaA powerful name by its pronunciation Ghazain is a Pashto name that keeps masculine traits in the personality. Ghazain name meaning is Mighty, Warrior, Supporter of war. People with this name face all kinds of situations easily.
BaranBaraan is a cute boy name that is derived from the Persian language. Baraan name meaning is Rain.
ShahzarShahzar is itself is a royal name that gives a strong feeling of royalty same as its meaning i.e. King of Gold.
AsfandA famous name Asfand means Brave, Courageous. It is an Arabic name that enhances the qualities of leadership.
BehzadAnother amazing tribal name Behzad is trending in big cities. Behzad name meaning is Noble, High-born, and Honorable. It is a Persian name and people with the name Behzad are observed to be kindest.
ZaryabZaryab name meaning is Liquid Gold, Rich or Wealthy. Zaryab is an attractive boy name that strongly believes in charity.
DawarAn influential name Dawar is itself quite a strong name that means Judge, Arbitrator. It is an Arabic name that has a rich meaning and impact on one's personality.
These are some beautiful boy names taken out from typical tribal names and perfect for giving a name to your baby.
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Choosing a name for a child is a significant decision in Islamic culture, as names hold deep meanings and reflect identity. Muslim names are mostly Arabic or can be taken from the holy Quran, or a particular event from Islamic history, which in essence does give them much of significance. These names represent desirable qualities like knowledge, belief, and benevolence that lead people all their lives. Muslim name from A to Z are available in great variety thus parents can choose proper name reflecting their culture and expectations. A meaningful name makes the individual associate with Islamic culture.
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