Fruits Names Starting with D With Meaning
Fruits are flavorful, colorful and nutrient packed natural gifts to mankind. Of these, several fruits whose first letter is “D” are special because of the tastes and health attributes they possess. This article discusses these fruits with special reference to the Pakistani and the sub-continent region fruits; thus the article will be interesting for those who are looking for fruits names start with D.
Here is the Fruits Names Start With D List
1. Dates
Some of the most recognizable fruits with the letter "D" are dates, which are greatly used in Pakistan and the subcontinent in general. Dates are extremely nutritious, and therefore many people call it a superfood. It is consumed most during the Ramadan season because of its abilities to restore energy. Fresh dates as well as the dried ones can be seen easily in the local markets, especially in some parts of Sindh and Balochistan. Filled with fiber, potassium, and natural sugars, they are among the healthiest snacks that you can eat.
2. Dragon Fruit
Dragon fruit or Pitaya is a fruit that can be eaten fresh and has recently become very trendy. Although dragon fruit is not endemic in Pakistan, it is grown locally in some areas because of its rising popularity. The fruit has a pink or yellow, shiny skin that is most often covered with bloom, and non-kernel, white or red flesh with small, countless black seeds. Dragon fruit is highly rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, and iron, so it is important for consumption.
3. Dewberry
Dewberries are small black-purple berries that appear like blackberries. These berries grow in subtropical areas, and some parts include the subcontinent. Primarily a little sour in taste, they are included in making jams, desserts, and even in drinks. Another benefit of dewberries is that they contain vitamins, fibers, and antioxidants, making them a valuable addition to the human diet.
4. Durian
Durian is a tropical fruit primarily grown in the Southeast Asia region. It has a powerful scent and a firm texture that gives it a thorny status as a fruit. Interestingly, it is not a local produce but can be found at some of the specialty outlets in stores. Durian contains beneficial fats, fiber, and B vitamins – and it is relatively high in calories as well.
5. Desert Lime
Desert lime is one of the lime-bearing trees that grow naturally in the drier areas of the world. It has a sharp taste which makes it appropriate to be used in preserves, dressings, and other liquid preparations. Although not commonly consumed in the subcontinent, the distinctive flavor of this fruit, along with its great vitamin C nutritional value, makes it an interesting fruit.
Locally Available Fruits
Amid all those listed fruits, both dates and dewberries are more familiar to the subcontinent or even Pakistan. Dates hold great cultural and religious importance and are consumed at several homes. Dewberries are said to grow in spontaneous overgrowth areas and are, therefore, a great find if located in remote rural regions.
There is a whole list of fruits that begin with the letter "D" and they are yummy and healthy in different ways. Starting with the soft and sticky dates to the trendy dragon fruit, all sorts of tastes are provided for in this list. It is found that the inclusion of these foodstuffs in everyday meals can greatly improve the quality of life of a person.
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Fruits are flavorful, colorful and nutrient packed natural gifts to mankind. Of these, several fruits whose first letter is “D” are special because of the tastes and health attributes they possess. This article discusses these fruits with special reference to the Pakistani and the sub-continent region fruits; thus the article will be interesting for those who are looking for fruits names start with D.
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