Hindu Baby Girl Names Born in January

Names have been derived for centuries from everything that makes or surrounds us, such as thoughts, value systems, and nature. Some of them are also included in this list of popular girl names. They are upbeat, meaningful, and some are even melodious. If the search for unique girl names becomes tedious, these names are sure to add excitement.

In Hinduism, a person's name is extremely important. It is believed that a person's name can have a positive or negative impact on their life. Finding a baby girl name that is both unique and meaningful can be difficult as a parent. There are several beautiful and unique Hindu baby girl names of Indian origin to choose from. Your baby daughter deserves the best, so choose a name that is special and meaningful to her. Here are amazing Hindu baby girl names born in January. In India, most baby names are derived from Sanskrit. However, there is a growing trend in the modern era of naming babies after deities from other religions, such as Islam and Christianity. As we all know, India is a country where all religions coexist peacefully. Checkout best Hindu baby girl names born in January.

Names English Meaning
Prisha Talent given by God, Beloved, Loving, Gods gift, Beloved, Loving, God’s Gift, Dear
Rutvi Name of An Angel meaning season, Love and saint, Speech
Anaya Without a superior, God has shown favour, Without a Superior, Look Up To God, Hebrew – God Answered, God was gracious, A variation of Aniya,
Aarvi Peace, The word has a meaning of peace, or the one who makes peace
Dityaa Answer of prayers, Another name for Lakshmi, Goddess Laxmi who answers the prayers
Kayra Peaceful, Unique, Lady, Kayra means She is a Peaceful and Unique Girl
Aadvika World, Earth, Unique, the word signifies the person who is Unique in all aspects
Mishika Love of God, The person with the sweetness of sugar
Pranshi Goddess Lakshmi, Of great stature, A name of the Devi Laxmi
Shreenika Lotus in the heart of Lord Vishnu, Goddess Lakshmi, Night

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