Islamic Month Names in Urdu

Islamic calendar or the lunar calendar is consisting of 12 months. These Islamic months have different names that are derived from the Arabic Language. Every month symbolizes a particular meaning and it comes systematically. Islamic festivals or holidays are celebrated according to the Islamic calendar.

Muslims living around the world follow the Islamic calendar to celebrate their religious events. Islamic calendar or the lunar calendar is consisting of 12 months. These Islamic months have different names that are derived from the Arabic Language. Every month symbolizes a particular meaning and it comes systematically. Islamic festivals or holidays are celebrated according to the Islamic calendar. Each month begins with the first sighting of the new moon. The sighting of the new moon depends on various factors such as weather; The Islamic calendar is only an estimate of future Islamic events.

Muharram مــُــحــرَّم

Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar and is considered the second holiest month after Ramadan. The word Muharram means "forbidden". This month came to stop the Arabs from fighting. In some parts of the world, Muslims observe this month through fasting. The tenth day of this month is Ashura that keeps a huge Islamic history in it. This day is also known for the martyrdom of Hazrat Hussain (AS), the grandson of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), and his companions in the battle of Karbala.

Safar صــَــفــَــر

Safar meaning "void" and this month has been given such a name because the infidel Arabs used to raid other tribes to evacuate their homes or the homes of their opponents.

Rabi’ Al-Awwal ربــيـــع الأول

Meaning "first spring" and the name appeared in early spring. This month is celebrated in Muslim Ummah because it is the month of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on the 12th or 17th. Muslims recognize this day in different ways, although the exact date is unknown.

Rabi’ Al-Akhir ربــيـــع الآخــِــر

Rabi’ Al-Akhir means "last spring". This month is also called Rabi 'al-Thani, which means "the second spring." reason is that it was named at the end of spring.

Jumada Al-Oula جــُــمــَــادَى الأولــى

The Arabs first came up with this name when the earth dried up. Some say it was because of the summer heat, while others say it was because of the winter cold. To some extent, it indicates dry parched land which symbolizes dry months.

Jumada Al-Akhirah جــُــمــَــادى الآخــِــرَة

Jumada Al-Akhirah meaning "the end of the dry land." It has the same meaning as the previous month, but it marks the end of the time when the earth dries up. This month is also called Jumada Al-Thaniyah جــُــمــَــادى الــثــانــيـــة (The Second Jumada).

Rajab رَجــَــبْ

This month is derived from the word "Rajab" which means "respect". Like Muharram, fighting is forbidden in this month. When Prophet Muhammad saw the moon of Rajab, he used to pray to Allah saying these words.

Allāhumma bārik lanā fī rajaba wa shaʻbāna wa balligh-nā ramaḍāna

Sha’ban شــَــعــْـــبـــان

It was named like this because Arabs used to disperse in this month seeking water and grass. The Laylat al-Bara’at” (Night of Records) is on the 15th of this month is also observed.

Ramadan رَمــَــضــَــان

Ramadan means "burn" and it was named after the hot weather in the Arabian desert. It is also a holy month of fasting for Muslims. The holy Qur’an was also revealed in Ramadan.

Shawwal شــَـــوَّال

The name refers to what happens to female camels when they are in the calf. They become thinner and smaller during lactation at this time of year. The first day of this month is known as Eid-ul-Fitr.

Dhu Al-Qi’dah ذو الــقــعــدة

It means "master of truce." The Arabs stopped fighting during this forbidden month.

Dhu Al-Hijjah ذو الــحــجــة

The literal meaning is "one of the pilgrimages". This is the holy month when Arabs and Muslims perform their Hajj (Mecca).

In Urdu, the names of Islamic months are short and easy to remember. In the early stages of a child's education, most parents emphasise knowing all of the Islamic month names. The bulk of Muslim countries go through this procedure. The first view of the crescent moon after sunset is used by Muslim officials to determine the first day of each month, and the festivities are then removed. Let's look at all of the Urdu names for Islamic months. So go through the entire blog and learn everything there is to know about Islamic days and months. This will also assist you in comprehending the significance of each month as well as the main Islamic festivities that occur during each month.

In Urdu, the names of Islamic months are short and easy to remember. In the early stages of a child's education, most parents emphasise knowing all of the Islamic month names. The bulk of Muslim countries go through this procedure. The first view of the crescent moon after sunset is used by Muslim officials to determine the first day of each month, and the festivities are then removed. Let's look at all of the Urdu names for Islamic months. So go through the entire blog and learn everything there is to know about Islamic days and months. This will also assist you in comprehending the significance of each month as well as the main Islamic festivities that occur during each month.

The Year of the Hijrah (Muhammad's (PBUH) journey from Mecca to Medina) is marked on the Islamic / Muslim lunar calendar as 622 AD. These 12 months are the Islamic months, which Muslims all around the world observe. These months are also important in determining Islamic festivals and holidays based on the lunar calendar. After a moon sighting, a committee of Muslim authorities in the local country sets and announces festival dates.

This is a widespread practise in most Muslim countries. The first view of the crescent moon after sunset is used by Muslim officials to determine the first day of each month, and the festivities are then removed.

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সন্তান পিতামাতার জন্য ঈশ্বরের আশীর্বাদ। তারা যে ধর্ম বা সংস্কৃতি অনুসরণ করুক না কেন, লোকেরা তাদের সন্তানদের শান্ত করার জন্য তাদের ক্ষমতায় সবকিছু করার সময় এই দুর্দান্ত উপহারের জন্য সর্বদা ঈশ্বরকে ধন্যবাদ জানায়। বাচ্চা মেয়েরা আরও বেশি ভালবাসা এবং যত্ন পায় কারণ তারা তাদের পিতামাতার জন্য আল্লাহর আশীর্বাদ হিসাবে দেখা হয়। যদি তারা রবি আল-আউয়াল মাসে জন্মগ্রহণ করে, যা মুসলমানদের ত্যাগ এবং ভালবাসার শিক্ষা দেয়, তারা দ্বিগুণ ভালবাসা এবং যত্ন পায়। অভিভাবকদের জন্য তাদের খুঁজছেন, আমরা এখানে রবি আল-আউয়ালে জন্ম নেওয়া মুসলিম মেয়েদের নামের একটি তালিকা সংকলন করেছি।

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যখন একজন নবজাতক পিতামাতার জীবনে আসে, তখন এটি সীমাহীন আনন্দ এবং অনেক দায়িত্ব নিয়ে আসে। পিতামাতারা, তাদের দেশ, বর্ণ বা ধর্ম নির্বিশেষে, তাদের সন্তানের জন্ম অত্যন্ত উত্সাহের সাথে উদযাপন করে। প্রত্যেক পিতা-মাতা তাদের সন্তানের সর্বোত্তম নাম রাখার চেষ্টা করেন, কিন্তু যখন মুসলমানদের কথা আসে, তারা তাদের সন্তানের নামকরণের জন্য ধর্মীয় নির্দেশিকা অনুসরণ করে।

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