Kashmiri Baby Names
Kashmir is a place where all the beauty comes in a single state. It is also called Heaven due to its natural beauty and heavenly views. Kashmiri people and their names are as beautiful as the place itself. We have gathered beautiful Kashmiri baby names. All the names are super adorable and can be given to your baby. The names of Kashmiris are as popular in the world. The names of Kashmiri children are more charming than the names of any other region.
Muslim Kashmiri names are getting fame in Pakistan as well due to their beautiful pronunciation and their beautiful meaning. Parents in Kashmir usually chose the typical Kashmiri baby names that indicate the cultural ethnicity and belonging from their land. People who don’t know much about Kashmiri names can check out this entire page for Unique Kashmiri names for their babies.
We have gathered the best Kashmiri baby names that are not only pleasing to call or listen to but also have deep meanings. Muslim parents living in Pakistan or across the globe can search these latest Kashmiri baby names along with key details. Kashmiri baby names with meaning are mentioned here to give parents a clear idea of the background of the name. Go through the page and select the best Kashmiri baby name.
Abdul Ghani - Servant of the Self-Sufficient
Khurram - Delightful, Happy, Pleasant
Pran - Breath of life, Life
Shehla - having a tinge of blue or grey or red
Altaf - Kindness, Graces
Farooq - one who distinguishes b/w right and wrong
Parveena – Loving, Charming
Aabshar - A small waterfall, series of small waterfalls
Farasa – Mount
Mehroz – Piece of moon
Sareen – Princess
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Read MoreNaming a child is always a very important step for any family. Muslims pay a lot of attention to names because of the meaning they come with which may influence the personality of an individual. Out of all the special names, those indicating that God has answered touch chords in most parents’ hearts. These, in particular, express feelings of thankfulness and reveal the idea that the person’s prayers and hopes have been fulfilled.
Read MoreSelecting the most appropriate name for a newborn baby is always an important decision that has to be taken by parents. Islamic teachings also recommend that a name be given to a child, one that has a positive connotation in meaning. Names are traditions based on the virtues, values, or blessings, that parents want to befall their child. Out of these, the idea of a ‘treasure’ can be explained well, as it depicts something as precious as a gift of prosperity. This blog is dedicated to Muslim baby boy names that mean treasure to parents for them to establish a connection with their child.
Read MorePicking a name for their newborn is one of the most beautiful and serious tasks that Muslim families have to take. Meaning of names does matter in Islam and often most of the names given to child bear a religious sense in them. Some of the most essential choices include Muslim Baby Boy Names which means Thankful to God and which reflect gratitude to Allah only.
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