Modern Muslim Girl Names A to Z

Explore our extensive list of modern Muslim girl names from A to Z Check it out this section covers a long list of modern Muslim girl name from the alphabet A to Z. These names are mainly selected focusing the aspects such as beauty, meaningful and cultural importance, which incorporate both Islamic and modern elegance. Altogether these names mostly originated from the Quran, Islamic History or the modern trends, and therefore are both classy and trendy at the same time.

Why Choose Modern Muslim Girl Names A to Z?

Choosing the name is one the most significant responsibility of parents when welcoming a new born in the family. Modern Muslim girl names are not only melodious but also carry profound meanings rooted in Islamic tradition. Many people choose names that reflect one or several positive qualities such as smartness, loyalty, power, and kindness. Therefore, the name speaks about the dreams and hopes parents have for their daughters and must en-shrine the Islamic culture while being as unique as possible.

Benefits of Choosing Islamic Baby Girl Names from the Quran

Therefore, Islamic baby girl names from the Quran are most preferred by most parents due to the rich meaning that is traced with spiritual significance. These are names that denote sacredness, humility and ethical fortitude, which therefore are gems of every age. It is good to name your child Maryam, Fatima or Khadija, not only does such names sound beautiful but they also connect the child to stories of honorable women in Islam.

Comprehensive List of Modern Muslim Girl Names A to Z

Name Meaning
AaliyahExalted, High, Noble
AishaAlive, Living, Prosperous (Wife of the Prophet Muhammad)
AlaynaNoble, Exalted
AliaNoble, High-ranking
AmaraGrace, Immortal, Unfading
AminaTrustworthy, Faithful
AmnaSafe, Secure
AnisaFriendly, Companion, Good-natured
AnjumStars, Celestial bodies
AnwarRadiant, Luminous
AqilaIntelligent, Wise
AreebaIntelligent, Wise, Bright
ArishaHigh, Exalted
ArwaGrace, Beauty, Freshness
AsiyaA name from the Quran, meaning a woman of high status
AsmaPure, High, Lofty
AyatSigns, Miracles, Verses of the Quran
AzizaPowerful, Beloved, Precious
AzraVirgin, Pure
BadiahUnique, Amazing
BakiraYoung, Fresh
BananFinger, Tip of the finger
BaqiyyahRemembrance, Eternity
Bara’ahInnocence, Purity
BaraaInnocence, Purity
BarakahBlessing, Prosperity
BariraPious, Devout
BashirahBringer of good news
BasmaSmile, Smile of beauty
BasmahSmile, Express joy
BatoolVirgin, Pure, Chaste
BayanClear, Eloquent, Explained
BibiLady, Woman of respect
BilalWater, Refreshing (Name of a famous companion of the Prophet)
BilqisQueen of Sheba
BushraGood news, Glad tidings
ButhaynaBeautiful, Soft, Gentle
CahyaLight, Radiance
CanLife, Soul
CananBeloved, Sweetheart
CelalGlory, Majesty
CemalBeauty, Perfection
CemilHandsome, Beautiful
CemileBeautiful, Handsome
CemreWarmth, Fire
CerenYoung Deer, Graceful
CevdetEminence, Respect
CevherGem, Jewel
CeydaBeautiful, Elegant
CezarRuler, Leader
CihanUniverse, World
CihanbeyLord of the World
DahliaFlower, Beautiful
DalalCoquetry, Charm
DaliaGrape vine, Branch
DamarisTender, Young girl
DanaWise, Knowledgeable, A pearl
DaniaClose, Near
DaniahClose, Near
DaniyaClose, Near, Beautiful
DaraProsperous, Wealthy
DawiyahSoft, Kind-hearted
DawoodBeloved, David (Prophet's name)
DimaRain, Cloud
DinaLove, Devoted, Religion
DiyaLight, Glow
DuruPure, Beautiful
EbrahimProphet Abraham
EhsanPerfection, Excellence
EisaA Prophet's name (Jesus)
ElahehGoddess, Divine
ElifThe first letter of the Arabic alphabet
ElinaIntelligent, Noble
ElyaMoonlight, Halo
EmanFaith, Belief
EminaFaithful, Trustworthy
EmineTrustworthy, Faithful
EmiraPrincess, Leader
ErinaBeautiful, Graceful
EshaalA flower in paradise
EshitaHappiness, Delight
EsmaSupreme, High, Elevated
EsraA night journey, A woman of great beauty
EylaMoonlight, Halo
FahimaIntelligent, Understanding
FahiraBright, Glorious
FaizaVictorious, Successful
FakhiraProud, Distinguished
FarahHappiness, Joy
FareedaUnique, Singular
FaridaUnique, Singular
FarihaHappy, Joyful
FariyahJoyful, Happy
FatimaCaptivating, One who abstains (Daughter of Prophet Muhammad)
FatimahOne who abstains, Captivating (Daughter of the Prophet)
FawziaVictorious, Successful
FawziyaVictorious, Successful
FayzaVictorious, Successful
FazilaVirtuous, Excellent
FirdawsHighest paradise
FizzaSilver, Wealthy
FouziahSuccessful, Victorious
GhadaElegant, Graceful
GhadirStream, River
GhaidaA young woman, Matured
GhaliaPrecious, Valuable
GhamzaDimple, Charm
GhanimaSpoil of war, Booty
GhazalA type of poetic expression, A gazelle
GhazalaGazelle, Doe
GhinaRichness, Wealth
GinaQueen, Pure
GulbaharSpring flower
GulnarPomegranate flower
GulnazBeautiful flower
GulshanGarden, Rose Garden
GulsherBrave, Lion-hearted
GulzarGarden, Flowerbed
HadiyaGuide, Leader
HafsaA name of a wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
HalaHalo, Aura around the moon
HananMercy, Compassion
HaseenBeautiful, Good-looking
HawaEve (The first woman in Islam)
HayatLife, Living
HibaGift, Present
HinaFragrance, A type of plant used for dyeing
HindIndia, A name of a lady
HiraA name of a mountain, A cave
HudaRight guidance
HusnaBeautiful, Good
HussainGood, Handsome, Beautiful
IbadahWorship, Devotion
IbtisamSmile, Joy
IlhamInspiration, Revelation
IlinaTender, Soft
ImaanFaith, Belief
ImanFaith, Belief
ImaraProsperity, Leadership
InaayaGift of God, Concern
InasAffection, Friendship
InayaCare, Concern, Help
IndiraBeauty, Splendor
IntisarVictory, Triumph
IqraTo Read, Recite (First word revealed to Prophet Muhammad)
IrfaElevation, Honor
IrinaPeace, Serenity
IshaAlive, Living (Also the name of a prayer)
IzdiharProsperity, Flourishing
IzzahGlory, Might
IzzatHonor, Prestige
JalilGreat, Majestic
JalilaMajestic, Glorious
JameelaBeautiful, Lovely
JamilaBeautiful, Elegant
JananHeart, Soul
JannahParadise, Garden
JannatParadise, Garden
JasiraBrave, Courageous
JaziraIsland, Peninsula
JazminJasmine (flower)
JudeGenerosity, A type of tree
JumanaPearl, Jewel
JumanahSilver Pearl
JuwairaLittle girl, Young woman
JuwairiyahName of a wife of the Prophet Muhammad
KamarMoon, Light
KamilComplete, Perfect
KamilaPerfect, Complete
KamilahPerfect, Complete
KarimaGenerous, Noble
KawtharA river in paradise, Abundance
KenzaTreasure, Hidden gem
KhadijaFirst wife of Prophet Muhammad, Early, Premature
KhalidaEternal, Immortal
KhalilahBeloved, Friend
KhanzaStrong, Brave
KhatijaEarly, The first
KhaulaGazelle, A kind of deer
LabeebIntelligent, Sensible
LabeebaIntelligent, Sensible
LailahNight, Dark beauty
LamaDark Lips, Radiant, Glowing
LamiaRadiant, Shining
LaraProtection, Famous
LatifaGentle, Kind
LayanSoft, Gentle
LaylaNight, Dark beauty
LeilaNight, Dark beauty
LinaTender, Delicate
LiyanaSoftness, Gentle
LubnaA tree, Symbol of purity
MadihaPraiseworthy, Commendable
MahaOryx, Wild cow
MahiraSkilled, Expert
MahiyaLovely, Attractive
MahnoorLight of the Moon
MalikaQueen, Ruler
MariamMother of Isa (Jesus), Bitter, Sea of bitterness
MayaIllusion, Dream, Prosperity
MayarMoonlight, Illumination
MaysaaWalking with a proud gait
MinaA place of pilgrimage, also means 'A big fish'
MiraPrincess, Admirable
MiskFragrance, Musk
MujdaA sign of good luck
MunaWishes, Desires
NabilaNoble, High-born
NadiaMoist, Generous, Caller
NailaSuccessful, Acquirer
NaimaTranquil, Comfort
NajatSalvation, Success
NargisNarcissus flower
NashitEnergetic, Enthusiastic
NashwaEcstasy, Joy
NasreenA flower, Jasmine
NawalGift, Blessing
NaziaProud, Distinguished
NisreenA type of flower
NoorLight, Divine light
NuraLight, Radiance
OlaHighest, Elevated
OliviaOlive tree, Peace
OlyaHigh, Elevated
OmaimaLittle mother, Generous
OmairaRed, Reddish, Joyous
OmarLong-lived, Flourishing
OmarahFlourishing, Prosperous
OmeraProsperous, Flourishing
OmniaDesire, Wish
OrwaA type of tree, Symbol of strength
OubidaLoyal servant
OumaimaLittle mother, Loving
ParisaLike a fairy
ParsaPure, Virtuous
ParvazRise, Fly
ParveenStar, The brightest one
ParyaAngel, Fairy
PashaPrincess, Leader
PazhamSoft, Kind-hearted
PaziraOne who brings good news
PoonamFull moon
PranjalSimple, Honest
PriyaBeloved, Loved one
PurnimaFull moon
QadirahPowerful, Able
QamaruddinMoon of the religion
QamarulMoonlight, Full moon
QamarunThe moon
QandilLamp, Light
QariyahReciter, Reader
QasimaDivider, Distributor
QawiyaStrong, Powerful
QaysLoyal, Determined
QismahDestiny, Fate
QistJustice, Balance
QistinaJustice, Righteous
QudraPower, Ability
QudsiaSacred, Pure
RabiaSpring, A garden
RabiyaSpring, Garden
RaeesaChief, Leader
RafiyaHigh, Exalted
RaheelOne who shows the way
RanaGazing, Looking at
RaniaQueen, Gazing
RanyaGazing, Looking at
RashaYoung gazelle
RehmaMercy, Compassion
RidaContentment, Satisfaction
RihanaSweet basil, Fragrance
RimshaBouquet, A cluster of flowers
RohamaCompassionate, Gentle
RuhmaCompassion, Mercy
RumanaPomegranate, Fruit of paradise
RuqayyaA wife of the Prophet, Gentle
SabaBreeze, Wind
SadafShell, Oyster
SafaPurity, Clarity
SaharDawn, Morning
SahlahEasy, Smooth
SajidaOne who prostrates
SalmaSafe, Peaceful
SamarFruit, Reward
SamarahFruit, Night conversation
SamiraEntertaining companion, Talkative
SamiyaElevated, Exalted
SanaRadiance, Brilliance
SaniyaBrilliant, Radiant
SaraPrincess, Lady
ShahdPure honey
ShaziaRare, Extraordinary
TahiraPure, Clean
TaimaDesert, Oasis
TalaPalm tree
TalhahA tree
TamaraDate tree, Palm tree
TanishaAmbition, Desire
TaraStar, Princess
TariqMorning star
TariqaMethod, Path
TasneemA fountain in paradise
TassiaBorn of the sea
TayyibaPure, Good
TeemaWild palm tree
ThurayaStar, Pleiades
TubaBlessed, Good news
UbaidaFaithful servant
UbaidahFaithful servant
UbaydaFaithful, Devoted servant
UlfahFriendship, Harmony
UlyaHigher, Elevated
UmairaRed, Bright
UmaymaLittle mother
UmmalLabourer, Worker
UmmaraProsperous, Flourishing
UmmarahProsperous, Flourishing
UroojAscend, Rise
UrwaA type of tree
UrwahStrong, Solid
UsmanA name of a companion
UswaExample, Role model
UzmaGreatest, Superior
VafaFidelity, Loyalty
VahibahGenerous, Giving
VahidaUnique, Singular
VahiraGlorious, Shining
VajiraBrave, Bold
VakirahIntelligent, Thoughtful
VaniSpeech, Voice
VaniaGod is gracious
VarshaRain, A new beginning
VasifAttribute, Quality
VasilaConnected, Linked
VasimahCompanion, Friend
VedaWisdom, Knowledge
VeraFaith, Truth
VesimHandsome, Noble
VildanYouthful, Fresh, The name of boys in paradise
ViyanA form of the Persian word meaning "lovely"
VuslatUnion, Reunification
WafaLoyalty, Faithfulness
WafaaLoyalty, Devotion
WafiyaLoyal, Faithful
WahidaUnique, Singular
WahidahUnique, Singular
WajdaFinding, Discovery
WaliyaGuardian, Protectress
WaliyahGuardian, Protector
WaqarDignity, Grandeur
WardaRose, Flower
WaseemHandsome, Good-looking
WasimHandsome, Graceful
WasiqConfident, Trustworthy
WaziraMinister, Helper
XamiraWealthy, Prosperous
XandraDefender of the people
XanthaYellow, Golden
XaraPrincess, Happiness
XenaHospitable, Guest, Welcoming
XeniaHospitality, Welcoming
XerenaPeaceful, Calm
XianLight, Radiance
XimenaListener, Healer
XylinaForest, Grove
YahyaAlive, Living
YaminaBlessed, Right-handed
YaraLittle butterfly, Small butterfly
YasiraRich, Prosperous
YasminJasmine flower
YasminaJasmine flower
YasminahJasmine flower
YazminJasmine flower
YosraProsperity, Success
YumnaBlessed, Lucky
YusraEase, Comfort, Prosperity
ZahiraShining, Brilliant
ZahraBright, Radiant, Flower
ZainBeauty, Grace
ZainabA fragrant flower, Father’s precious jewel
ZaraPrincess, Flower
ZarahRadiance, Flower
ZarinaGolden, Little star
ZaynaBeauty, Grace
ZaynabFather’s precious jewel, Fragrant flower
ZehraBright, Shining, Radiant

Blending Tradition and Modernity

Modern Muslim girl names are much loved because they combine traditions and innovations at the same time. Modern parents desire the names that are Islamic and global at the same time. This approach guarantees that the chosen name corresponds to its meaning and at the same time reflects modern trends, which would be successful in multicultural environment.

Modern Muslim girl name from A to Z

Choosing a modern Muslim girl name from A to Z is a meaningful journey for parents. It reflects their aspirations, values, and love for their daughter. Whether inspired by Quranic verses, historical figures, or contemporary trends, the right name ensures a lifelong connection to Islamic heritage and modern sophistication. Explore this list to find the perfect name that embodies beauty, significance, and timeless elegance.

Frequently Asked Questions about Muslim Girl Names

Q: What is the importance of choosing a meaningful name?

A: In Islam, a good name holds spiritual significance as it reflects positive values and qualities.

Q: Are modern Muslim girl names suitable for international use?

A: Yes, many modern names like "Zara" and "Yara" are versatile and recognized globally.

Q: Can I choose a Quranic name for my daughter?

A: Absolutely. Quranic names like "Maryam" and "Aisha" are deeply rooted in Islamic tradition and remain timeless choices.

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