Most Popular Muslim Baby Names Of 1980

Names are the first gift of parent to their little ones. Naming kids after some legendary personalities is a historic tradition. During the era of 1980, in Muslim societies, parents used to name their kids after the significant personalities of Islam, or names driven by Arabic or Persian language. Here is an overview of the most popular Muslim baby names of 1980 era.

Names that were popular back then had great meaning or rich Islamic backgrounds. The most popular Muslim baby names of 1980 with meaning and linguistic background are discussed below.


Linguistics background: Arabic

Meaning: praised, commendable

The name Mohammad is widely popular in the Muslim community, due to its Islamic background. Mohammad is the name of our last prophet, people tend to name their kids after him, in respect or to provide Islamic identity to their little ones.

2- Fatima

Linguistic background: Arabic

Meaning: one who abstains or refrain

Fatima name was quite popular in the era of 1980, the historical background of the name makes it significant. Fatima is the name of the youngest daughter of the Holy Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him, she is well known for her pious character.

3- Ahmed

Linguistic background: Arabic

Meaning: grateful, one who thanks God often

Ahmed is one of the names of Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him, the sweet pronunciation of the name makes it quite popular among Muslim communities. It is an evergreen name, popular in Muslim communities from the golden age till modern times.

4- Aisha

Linguistic background: Arabic

Meaning: Alive, living

The beautiful pronunciation and meaning of the name Aisha make it popular among Muslims. Historically, Aisha was the daughter of the first caliph of Islam Hazrat Abu Bakr, and wife of Muhammad peace be upon him.

5: Ali

Linguistic background: Arabic

Meaning: Elevated, exalted, noble

The name Ali is still popular in contemporary names, the pronunciation of the name Ali is sweet and fits in modern times. ali is one of the most popular Muslim baby names of 1980. If we look at the historical importance of the name, Hazrat Ali was one of the four caliphates of Islam, a brave leader highly respected and loved by Muslims.

6- Maryam

Linguistic background: Hebrew

Meaning: beloved

Maryam name is considered significant due to its historical importance. In the golden age of 1980, people used to name their kids after the beloved personalities of Islam. Maryam is the name of a lady chosen by Allah, and mother of the prophet ISA.

7- Omer

Linguistic background: Arabic

Meaning: flourishing, long-lived

The name Omer was quite popular in the era of 1980, a popular Muslim boy name with an Islamically rich background. In Islamic history, Hazrat Omer was the caliphate of Islam, known for his just ruling and bravery.

8- Zainab

Linguistic background: Arabic

Meaning: Fragrant flower, a precious jewel

There were many popular personalities named Zainab in Islamic history. In the era of 1980, the name Zainab gained popularity because of its sweet and feminine meaning.

9- Hasan

Linguistic background: Arabic

Meaning: Handsome, good.

Hasan is a popular Muslim boy name, due to its beautiful meaning. What’s better than a name with good pronunciation, beautiful meaning, and significant history?

10- Sara

Linguistic background: Hebrew

Meaning: Pure, happy, princess

Sara is a Muslim girl name, even popular in modern times. The meaning of the name refers to a person with a pure heart and a happy soul. Historically this name belongs to Hazrat Sara, wife of prophet Ibrahim and mother of prophet Ishaq.

11- Abdullah

Linguistic background: Arabic

Meaning: Servant of God.

Abdullah name was quite popular in the era of 1980 in Muslim societies, the name refers to a person dedicated to his creator. The name is often used to signify submission to Allah.

12- Hafsa

Linguistic background: Arabic

Meaning: Lioness.

The name Hafsa belongs to the wife of the prophet Mohammad peace be upon him, she played a vital role in safeguarding the manuscript of the Quran after the death of the prophet Mohammad peace be upon him.


Linguistic background: Hebrew

Meaning: father of many

Ibrahim is a beautiful name, and the pronunciation of is the reason for its wide popularity, moreover, Ibrahim is the name of a prophet in Islam.

14-sumayyah/ samaya

Linguistic background: Arabic

Meaning: High, exalted

Lovely name for girls gained admiration for its beautiful meaning. The name sumayyah is derived from the word sama which means sky, the name itself means high or exalted.


Linguistic background: Arabic

Meaning: God will hear

Ismail is the name of the Islamic prophet and the son of the prophet Ibrahim. The historically significant name is praised by many for its sweet pronunciation.

16- Aminah

Linguistic background: Arabic

Meaning: Trustworthy, faithful.

The name Aminah is popular in southeast Asian societies, the name’s origin is from the Arabic language which means trustworthy. Parents of the ’80s named their girls Aminah for its admirable articulation and influential meaning.

17- Osman

Linguistic background: Persian

Meaning: sturdy

Osman's name is still popular in the Muslim community, especially in Middle Eastern countries. the masculine meaning and strong historical background make it admirable.

18- Ruqayyah

Linguistic background: Arabic

Meaning: Ascender, one who rises

A beautiful name, highly admired in the 1980s, Refers to Ruqayyah bint Muhammad, one of the daughters of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, known for her beauty and grace hence, the name is often associated with grace and elegance.


Linguistic background: Arabic

Meaning: God increases

Yusuf is an Arabic name derived from the Hebrew language. Yusuf is the name of an Islamic prophet known for his beauty and pious character. A person named Yusuf is believed to possess qualities of patience and beauty.

20- Khadija

Linguistic background: Arabic

Meaning: Premature child

The beautiful name belongs to the first wife of the prophet Mohammad peace upon him, she is known for her strong and pious character. She was a business woman and possessed strong moral and ethical qualities.

Reason Of Popularity:

The popular Muslim baby names of 1980 that are mentioned above in the article gained admiration for their historical significance, sweet pronunciation, or influential meaning. Most of these names reflect the qualities of piousness, beauty, and braveness. Most of these names belong to the prophets their wives and daughters, showing the tradition among Muslims of referring their babies with respected and valued personalities. Due to the unavailability of the Internet, people were aware of the names popular within their country only, or names of significant personalities, hence in societies like southeast Asia, people usually look up into Quran or other religious books for Islamic names of their babies, that is why most of the popular names in the era of 1980 belong to prophets and their families.

Glory Of 1980’s Names:

Most of these are still widely popular in Muslim societies, due to their historically and Islamically rich background. These names carry their legacy against time and are still relevant in contemporary means. The sweet pronunciations of these names make them fit in modern times where short and delicate names are the era of 1980, people used to choose names with influential meanings or names that held an Islamic connection. In Muslim tradition, it Is believed that names leave an impact on the personality of a child hence, the evergreen names, carry deep meanings, people prefer to name their kids after great personalities or look for names with beautiful meanings.

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