Muslim Boy Names A to Z with Meaning in Hindi

Naming a child is among the loveliest and most fulfilling processes. In this blog, Muslim boy names from A to Z have been listed so that people know the meaning of the name in Hindi. It also enlightens the readers about why names are so important to Muslims and their meaning. This blog is the best place to find traditional and modern names regardless of what a parent are looking for.

Importance of Names in Islam

Names are very important according to Islamic belief because they embody personality and character of the owner. Our prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) urged us to select a good name for a child as names are symbolic and affect a person’s behavior. A good name is a lifelong gift, an identity that links an individual to religion and ancestry.

Top Muslim Boy Names A to Z with Meaning in Hindi

Below is a complete list of Muslim boy names from A to Z, along with their meanings in Hindi:

Alphabet Name Meaning in Hindi
AAyaanभगवान का तोहफा
BBilalप्यास बुझाने वाला
CCyrusसूर्य, महान
DDaniyalज्ञान से भरपूर
EEhsanदया, कृपा
FFarhanखुशी, उल्लास
GGhaziयोद्धा, विजेता
HHarisसंरक्षक, पहरेदार
IImranसमृद्धि, खुशहाली
JJunaidयोद्धा, सिपाही
KKashifखुलासा करने वाला
MMustafaचुना हुआ
NNomanखुशी, आशीर्वाद
OOmarलंबी उम्र
PParvezभाग्यशाली, सफल
QQasimबांटने वाला
RRayanस्वर्ग का द्वार
SSaadखुशी, आनंद
TTalhaफलदायक पेड़
UUmairजीवन से भरपूर
VVaseemसुंदर, आकर्षक
WWaseemसुंदर, आकर्षक
YYasinकुरान के एक अध्याय
ZZubairबहादुर, शक्तिशाली

Hindi Meanings and Their Cultural Relevance

The use of Hindi meanings for Muslim names serves to continually bring together two concepts that are still apparently far apart – language and faith. Since India is a country of diverse cultures, Muslim parents felt that naming their children with Islamic names easy to pronounce in the regional language would be more suitable. It is much easier to translate names with Arabic roots to Hindi in order to attract attention to the fact that such names are equally beautiful and meaningful.

Muslim Names in India

Indian Muslim names usually have a combination of cultural and religious aspects in a name. They are oriented on rich Islamic history of the South Asia region and complex system of Indian language. Imran, Bilal, and Rayan are popular due to the fact that they are easy to say, beautiful and bear profound Islamic meaning. Such a combination allows Muslim names to remain fully religious in their meaning while also fitting the Indian multicultural.

Significance of Names in Islam

To Muslims a name is not just a verbal label by which a person is called, but something that gives him certain pride and identification. Any person bearing a name with a good meaning feels obliged to uphold the Islamic or any other religion’s values which in return make a positive impact in the society. Parents are particularly urged to select names that refer noble characteristics to show constant devotion to their religion and culture.

Choosing a name for a Muslim boy is a great honor and responsibility. To make the decision easier for the parents, this blog contains the complete list of names starting from A to letter Z with their meanings in Hindi language. Not only do parents pay tribute to God through this, but they also bless and encourage their child by giving him or her a good name for a lifetime.

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Naming a child is among the loveliest and most fulfilling processes. In this blog, Muslim boy names from A to Z have been listed so that people know the meaning of the name in Hindi. It also enlightens the readers about why names are so important to Muslims and their meaning. This blog is the best place to find traditional and modern names regardless of what a parent are looking for.

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Choosing a name for a child is a significant decision in Islamic culture, as names hold deep meanings and reflect identity. Muslim names are mostly Arabic or can be taken from the holy Quran, or a particular event from Islamic history, which in essence does give them much of significance. These names represent desirable qualities like knowledge, belief, and benevolence that lead people all their lives. Muslim name from A to Z are available in great variety thus parents can choose proper name reflecting their culture and expectations. A meaningful name makes the individual associate with Islamic culture.

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সন্তান জন্মের আগেই বাবা-মা তাদের ভালো নাম খুঁজতে শুরু করেন। কিছু লোক এমনকি তাদের প্রিয়জনদের নাম তাদের ঐতিহ্যগত পদ্ধতি অনুসারে বা শিশুদের জন্য তাদের পূর্বপুরুষদের নাম নির্বাচন করে। কিন্তু কেউ কেউ যে মাসে শিশুর জন্ম হয়েছে সেই মাসের কথা ভেবে এর নামকরণ করেন। কারণ নামের ওপর তারকাদের প্রভাব থাকে। জুন মাসে জন্ম নেওয়া শিশুদের মিথুন রাশি (21 মে - 20 জুন) ক্যান্সার (21 জুন - 22 জুলাই) রাশি রাশি।

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শিশুর নামের ধারণা খুঁজতে গিয়ে, শিশুর জন্ম মাস বিবেচনা করা সহায়ক হতে পারে। সুতরাং, আপনার সন্তানদের জন্য উপযুক্ত নাম নির্বাচন করতে আপনাকে সহায়তা করার জন্য, এখানে আগস্ট মাসে জন্ম নেওয়া কিছু আশ্চর্যজনক মুসলিম শিশুর নাম দেওয়া হল। ঋতু পরিবর্তন আগস্টে শুরু হয়। যদি আপনার বাচ্চা আগস্ট মাসে হয় তবে আপনি এই পরিবর্তন সম্পর্কে চিন্তা করতে এবং অনুপ্রেরণা পেতে পারেন। আমরা মাস থেকে নাম, বিখ্যাত ব্যক্তিরা যারা আগস্টে জন্মগ্রহণ করেছিলেন, জ্যোতিষশাস্ত্র এবং অন্যান্য নামগুলি অন্তর্ভুক্ত করেছি যা আপনাকে সাহায্য করার জন্য এই তালিকায় অষ্টম মাসের কথা চিন্তা করে৷ এই নামগুলি ভালভাবে পছন্দ করা হয়েছে এবং আপনার সন্তানের জন্য চমৎকার বিকল্প হবে।

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