Muslim Boy Names Starting With S and Ending with N

Baby boy’s birth brings love, happiness, joy, and a lot of fun in parent life. Boys tend to be the more naughty and the life of a house. House with the young boy is full of hops and love. Naming a baby boy is a little tough as parents chose the name wisely for their baby boy. Names signify and mold the personality and here we have come with an amazing page that has compiled the data of all Muslim boy names starting with S and ending with N.

It is a new way to find the amazing and trending Muslim boy names. We have a huge data of such names but here we are mention Muslim boy names along with meanings.


Salahuddin is a beautiful boy name driven from the Arabic language that means “The righteousness of the faith”.


An attractive name Salman is quite famous in Sub-continent. Salman name meaning is “Safe”. It is originated in Arabic.


It is an Arabic name that is unique. Shafin name meaning is “He who cures”.


Shayan is a modern Muslim boy name. Shayan meaning is “Suitable, worthy, eligible. Shayan name is derived from Arabic.


Urdu name Shayan is an attractive name that means “The most beautiful".


Shaheen name itself indicated a quite elite feeling while calling. Shaneen name meaning is “Royal, white falcon”.


Shalin name meaning is “Good manners”. It is a unique boy name that is quite rare in Muslim society.


A short and sweet name Shaan is quite common in Muslims. Shaan name meaning is “Respect, Honor".


An Arabic name Suleiman is an Islamic name that is associated with A prophet's name.


Sultan is a Sanskrit name that means “Monarch”. It is an Arabic name that is quite common in Pakistan.

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