Muslim Girl Names A to Z with Meaning in Tamil
Choosing a name for a newborn is a serious burden for parents. According to Islamic culture, names have got virtues, blessings and are identity to a child. Tamil Muslim families need to be given names that are acceptable in terms of the Islamic understanding and also Tamil culture. This guide presents Muslim Girl Names A to Z with Meaning Tamil, where parents can choose a name that is great sounding and has a rich meaning. There is the translation of each name in Tamil to make it suitable and recognizable for the Tamil speaking community. A good name lays the right image and reference point for the child throughout her life and origin.
The Significance of Names in Islam
Names in Islam are more than labels, because every name is an icon of the faith, character and dreams. Choosing the right name for a child is supposed to be one of the most sacred things that parents are able to do as it shows that they really care for their kid and have a dream about him or her future. A good name puts positive meaning in it which creates confidence and pride. This blog indicates that Tamil speaking families tend to seek name that is acceptable in Tamil society as well as being compliant with Islamic belief. The collected list of Muslim Girl Names A to Z with Meaning Tamil is an attempt to incorporate both ends of the spectrum, so that parents can choose names that are both faith-affirming and culturally diverse within the Tamil Muslim context.
Tamil Translations for Muslim Names
Tamil translation of names has a special importance for Tamil speaking Muslim families. These names bring the focus from religious aspects into cultural domains and thus people have a feeling of value and affection towards them. Tamil meanings make ensure that the names are easier to understand and pronounce and almost become part of the culture. For the parents who are in search of beautiful and meaningful names of Muslim girls this selection of Muslim Girl Names A to Z with Meaning Tamil will be helpful. When using the Tamil meanings, parents not only practice their faith, but also use cultural implications, and thus religion and culture form a good blend.
A to Z Muslim Girl Names with Meaning Tamil
Letter |
Name |
Tamil Meaning (தமிழ் அர்த்தம்) |
A |
Aisha |
ஆயிஷா - Prosperous Life |
B |
Bushra |
புஷ்ரா - Good News |
C |
Cyra |
சீரா - Throne, Sun |
D |
Dua |
துஆ - Prayer |
E |
Emaan |
இமான - Faith |
F |
Fatima |
பாத்திமா - Captivating |
G |
Gazala |
கஸாலா - Intelligent |
H |
Hafsa |
ஹஃப்ஸா - Lioness |
I |
Iman |
இமான் - Belief |
J |
Jannat |
ஜன்னத் - Paradise |
K |
Khadija |
கதீஜா - Early Baby, Trustworthy |
L |
Laila |
லைலா - Night |
M |
Maryam |
மரியம் - Virtuous Woman |
N |
Nadia |
நாதியா - Caller, Announcer |
O |
Omaira |
ஓமைரா - Star, Light |
P |
Parveen |
பர்வீன் - Star |
Q |
Qamar |
கமர் - Moon |
R |
Rania |
ரானியா - Queenly, Gazer |
S |
Saba |
சபா - Morning Breeze |
T |
Tahira |
தஹீரா - Pure, Chaste |
U |
Uzma |
உஸ்மா - Greatest |
V |
Veena |
வீனா - Pious, Musical Instrument |
W |
Warda |
வர்தா - Rose |
X |
Xara |
க்ஸாரா - Princess |
Y |
Yasmin |
யாஸ்மின் - Jasmine Flower |
Z |
Zainab |
சைனப் - Fragrant Flower |
Popular Muslim Girl Names A to Z with Meaning in Tamil
Naming of a child is an important affair that has been associated with religion and tradition. For Tamil Muslim families, this is important as they get to give their child a noble name of their choice in a linguistic area of their believe and cultural origin. Muslim Girl Names starting from A to Z in Tamil, provide rich collections of girls names which have good meanings indeed. In this manner, through choosing proper name parents offer their child permanent reference to religion and cultural background.
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Read MoreChoosing a name for a newborn is a serious burden for parents. According to Islamic culture, names have got virtues, blessings and are identity to a child. Tamil Muslim families need to be given names that are acceptable in terms of the Islamic understanding and also Tamil culture. This guide presents Muslim Girl Names A to Z with Meaning Tamil, where parents can choose a name that is great sounding and has a rich meaning. There is the translation of each name in Tamil to make it suitable and recognizable for the Tamil speaking community. A good name lays the right image and reference point for the child throughout her life and origin.
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