Planets names in Urdu with Meaning
Planets are the celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star. The term planet is ancient, with ties to history, astrology, science, mythology, and religion. An astronomical body revolves around a star or stellar remnant that is large enough to be rounded by its gravity, not large enough to cause thermonuclear fusion, according to the International Astronomical Union but all planets Scientists have not cleared their neighborhood.
The solar system is the gravitational system of the sun and the objects that revolve around it, directly or indirectly. Till now a total of 13 planets have been discovered that are divided into two categories; Major planets and dwarf planets. Explore this blog till the end to know all the Planets names in Urdu with Meaning.
The eight major planets in Urdu are:
English | Urdu | Roman |
Mercury | عطارد | Ataarad |
Venus | زہرہ | Zuhra |
Earth | زمین | Zamin |
Mars | مریخ | Mirreekh |
Jupiter | مشتری | Mishtari |
Saturn | زحل | Zuhal |
Uranus | یورینس | Yooreinus |
Neptune | نیپچون | Nepchoon |
The five dwarf planets in Urdu are:
English | Urdu | Roman |
Ceres | سيريس | Seereess |
Pluto | پلوٹو | Pluʈo |
Haumea | هاوميا | Howmia |
Makemake | ماكيماكي | Makimaki |
Eris | إريس | Ireess |
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