Shape Names in Urdu with Meaning

IF you are looking for different shape names you have reached the right place. This blog is all about the shape names with Urdu meaning. Shapes are the geometrical figures, or the pattern an outline falls into. Frequently, people picture 2D (two-dimensional, or flat) images when they hear the word “shapes,” so most of the objects listed in this lesson will be 2D shapes, but some will be 3D as well. Everything we see in the world around us has a form. We can find various basic shapes such as square, rectangular, and oval or rectangular perm, cylinders, and circles in the things we see around us. These geometric shapes appear in objects we see everywhere.

Here we have mentioned some basic shapes' names and their meaning to help you out knowing about them. These are some basic shapes written below in English, Urdu, and roman for better understanding.

English Urdu Roman
Circle دائرہ Daira
Oval بیضوی Bezvi
Triangle مثلث / تَکون Masllas / Tikon
Square مربع / چوکور Maraba / chakor
Rectangle مستطیل Mastatil
Hexagon مسّدس Masadas
Pentagon مخمس Makhmas

Above mentioned shapes are Geometric figures that represent the shape of objects we see in our daily lives. In geometry, there are different types of 2d shapes and 3D shapes. Shapes are also classified according to their regularity or uniformity. A regular shape is usually symmetrical, such as a square, circle, etc. Irregular shapes are disproportionate.

They are also called freeform forms or organic forms. Except the above mentioned one, there are many other shapes as well. Shape names with Urdu meaning helps people to get better understanding regarding geometric shapes and their features. We hope that this blog will be helpful for you.

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