Top 10 Turkish Muslim Boy Names
Turkish Muslim Boy Names - Turkey is one of the oldest, most enduring civilizations in the world, with a history and culture that speaks for itself. The traditions of the name of the country have also been well researched. At birth, parents select the name for baby, usually; the baby is given one or two names, typically related to gender.
Turkey has hundreds of names, some of which are found in other cultures in the Middle East and some are unique. Some names are quite poetic in meaning, like the love of emotions, the beauty of the starry sky. We've caught some of our favorites.
Choosing the right name for a baby is always considered as the prime responsibility of each parent around the world. Choosing a unique name for a baby allows him to get acknowledged in a lot of different people. Turkish names are observed to be more unique and meaningful name close to nature. As Turkey has a quite rich historic culture and traditions, their names also have a great effect on their rich history.
Turkish names are influenced by European and Asian cultures as we can observe in Turkey’s culture and architecture.
Turkish Muslim names in early ages were mostly Patronymics, which means parents choose the baby’s first name usually based on forefather name. It was also observed that Turkish old names have the Arabic word Bin or Bint with their first names. Whereas, Bin means son and Bint means daughter.
For people born between the early 70's and early '80s, Gizem, Ece, Gözde, and Burcu are the most common names for females, while Emre, Mert, Burak, and Arda are the most common ones for males.
The nature in Turkish culture is accepted as Holy. Everything belongs to nature you see is sacred in the old Turkish religion before Islam. These names are used as people's names.
There are pure Turkish names that can be traced back to historical sources and Turkish-speaking texts in the Anatolian dialect. They are traditionally Turkish and have no Persian or Arabic origin.
Nowadays the most popular names among the parents from Turkey are:
Turkish Muslim Boy Names
It is a combination of two words. Er and Tugrul: Word Er means Solider in Urdu you can Say Fouji (فوجی) and word Tugrul is used for Falcon Baaz (باز) in Urdu. Falcon is a bird best known for its hunting skills. So Ertugrul is Warrior fighter.
It is a masculine name that is a combination of Ali and the Turkish title Bek meaning ruler, chief or lord
Erenay (Eren-ay)
A male name that translates as the full moon. It is more close to nature in meaning.
A famous name Behlol is a Muslim name that is most observed name in Turkey. Behlol means A leader. It is also name of a sufi saint.
The Muslim boy name Mehmet is a Turkish form of MUHAMMAD. The meaning of the name Mehmet is Praiseworthy.
It is one of the most used name in Turky. Kerem in Turkish means nobility, generosity and mightiness.
A unique name Umut means hope. It is a unisex name but usually observe in boys. Its it bring a positive energy.
Turkish baby name that comes from Alp - brave, hero + Eren - saint. Alperen's were both spiritual and military leaders when Turks first came to Anatolia.
Turkish name meaning "friend" or older brother, Emre also means lover and can be written as Imre too
Deniz means sea in Turkish. It such a poetic name close to nature.
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Naming a child is among the loveliest and most fulfilling processes. In this blog, Muslim boy names from A to Z have been listed so that people know the meaning of the name in Hindi. It also enlightens the readers about why names are so important to Muslims and their meaning. This blog is the best place to find traditional and modern names regardless of what a parent are looking for.
Read MoreChoosing a name for a child is a significant decision in Islamic culture, as names hold deep meanings and reflect identity. Muslim names are mostly Arabic or can be taken from the holy Quran, or a particular event from Islamic history, which in essence does give them much of significance. These names represent desirable qualities like knowledge, belief, and benevolence that lead people all their lives. Muslim name from A to Z are available in great variety thus parents can choose proper name reflecting their culture and expectations. A meaningful name makes the individual associate with Islamic culture.
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