Vegetable Names in Urdu

There are health benefits to eating vegetable people who eat more vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy diet are less likely to develop some diseases. Vegetables provide essential nutrients for the health and well-being of your body. Fresh vegetables are low in calories and contain more than 70% water, with only 3.5% protein and less than 1% fat. these are good sources of minerals, especially calcium and iron, and vitamins, mainly A and C. Almost all vegetables are rich in dietary fiber and antioxidants.

Doctors highly recommend the consumption of vegetables on daily basis. A huge part of a daily diet based on the vegetable is more helpful to maintain a balanced diet and to cope up many health issues. In Pakistan, vegetable consumption is more than meat due to affordability and health benefits. It tastes yummy as well. Let’s explore the vegetable in Urdu along with its meaning. Mentioned vegetables are easily available in Pakistan and they are low in calories per cup may help reduce calorie intake instead of some other calorie foods.

English Urdu
Beetroot چقندر
Cabbage گوبھی
Carrot گاجر
Cauli flower گوبھی
Capsicum شملہ مرچ
Cucumber کھیرا
Egg plant بینگن
Fenugreek میتھی
Fistolosus ٹنڈے
Garlic لہسن
Gourd لوکی
Ginger ادرک
Kohlrabi گانٹھ گوبھی
Leek تازہ پیاز
Lettuce سلاد
Mint پودینہ
Mushroom مشروم
Okra بھنڈی
Pea مٹر
Potato آلو
Pumpkin کدو
Radish مولی
Spinach پالک
Spinosus چولای کا ساگ
Sweet potato شکر قندی
Tomato ٹماٹر
Turnip شلجم

Vegetable consumption on a daily basis is highly recommended by doctors. A large portion of a daily meal focused on vegetables is more beneficial to maintaining a balanced diet and coping with a variety of health problems. Vegetable intake outnumbers meat consumption in Pakistan due to cost and health benefits. It also tastes great yet healthy for human body. Let's look at vegetable names in Urdu. The aforementioned veggies are readily available in Pakistan, and their low calorie content per cup may aid in calorie reduction when substituted for other high-calorie items.

Vegetables are high in critical vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which provide numerous health benefits to the body. Carrots, for example, are strong in vitamin A, which is beneficial for eye health as you get older. It also contains carbs, which aid in the movement of food through your digestive tract. Fiber-rich veggies can also help with vitamin and mineral absorption in the body. It has the ability to boost your everyday energy levels. Fiber is abundant in vegetables, which is necessary for proper digestion.

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