Which Sahabi Names In Quran

The Quran is the revelation from Allah to the last Prophet Muhammad (saw) and which acts as a guideline to the Muslims. It also has stories, lesson, and references to some of the great historical personalities. Included in these personalities are the Sahaba or companions of the Prophet. Indeed, there were many Sahaba who fulfilled essential functions in early Islamic history, of whom, however, only one is called by name in the Quran – Zaid bin Harithah.

Zaid bin Harithah was amongst the favorite persons of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He was one of the adopted sons of the Prophet and had been bought from slaves by the Prophet. Zaid is mentioned in Surah Al-Ahzab (33:37), which discusses his marriage, his subsequent divorce from Zainab bint Jahsh, and the lessons drawn about the legal and social aspects of adoption in Islam. This event was crucial in the processes of legal development in the Islamic legislation, and particularly the laws regulating relations within the family; it highlighted that adoption established different criteria – as far as the laws of inheritance and marriage were concerned.

In Islamic history Zaid bin Harithah is especial because his name is mentioned in the Quran and he was a dear friend of the Prophet Muhammad. He was trusted, courageous and had unbounded love for the Prophet Muhammad (s); he led force in many battles including the Battle of Mu’tah.

Out of all Sahaba, only Zaid is mentioned in the Quran; however, all Sahaba fought for the Prophet and helped spread Islam in their own way. You will find accounts of some of them in the Hadith and the history of Islam, where the reader can witness acts of devotion, trustworthiness and bravery. To know the names of these Sahaba mentioned in the Quran helps us know their qualities and virtues. It also assists in identifying their significance in the historical period providing Muslims with role models and examples. These names are usually selected to pass deeper meaning of the character or nature of the specific personality.

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The Quran is the revelation from Allah to the last Prophet Muhammad (saw) and which acts as a guideline to the Muslims. It also has stories, lesson, and references to some of the great historical personalities. Included in these personalities are the Sahaba or companions of the Prophet. Indeed, there were many Sahaba who fulfilled essential functions in early Islamic history, of whom, however, only one is called by name in the Quran – Zaid bin Harithah.

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আপনার বাচ্চা মেয়ের নাম দিন যা সুন্দর এবং জনপ্রিয় উভয়ই যা সবাই উপভোগ করবে। আমরা এই নিবন্ধটি তৈরি করেছি যাতে বিশ্বের যেকোন স্থানে বসবাসকারী মহরম মাসে জন্ম নেওয়া মুসলিম মেয়ের নাম অনুসন্ধানে সহায়তা করার জন্য। এই শিশুর নামগুলি অবিশ্বাস্যভাবে মিষ্টি এবং গভীর অর্থ সহ স্বতন্ত্র। নামকরণ পদ্ধতি সহজ করার জন্য হামারিওয়েব এই অবিশ্বাস্য নামগুলির সাথে তাদের অংশ অবদান রেখেছে।

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