Boy Names Starting with W
If you are looking for the best possible Boy name with W for your child then you can take advantage of our website.The vast collection of names is created to provide you assistance regarding the naming process of your newborn.The best part is that all names are characterized by their respective alphabets and you can also view their origin, lucky number, and other key details.
Popular Boy Names Start With W
Waqas | Solider, Warrior, Warlike, Combatant | Muslim |
Waqar | Dignity, Sobriety, Majesty, Veneration, Dignity, Gracefulness. | Muslim |
Ward | In american meaning is : Guard | Muslim |
Waseem | Graceful. Handsome. Good Looking. | Muslim |
Wasim | Handsome | Muslim |
Waleed | Newborn Child. | Muslim |
Wahab | Servant of the Bestower, Bestowed, This attribute of Allah(SWT) | Muslim |
Wasif | The Definition | Muslim |
Waris | Deserved | Muslim |
Wali | Governor, Lord | Muslim |
Wahid | Singular, Unequalled | Muslim |
Wajid | One Who Finds (Origin Arabic) | Muslim |
Wajahat | Commanding, Personality, Dignity, Respect, Esteem. Credit. | Muslim |
Walid | Newborn Child | Muslim |
Weldon | spring, stream | Christian |
Waheed | Unique, Single, Exclusively, Unequalled | Muslim |
Wasi | Bequest What Happen | Muslim |
William | A form of wilhelm | Christian |
Wahaj | Light, Is Very Bright | Muslim |
Wejdan | -- | Muslim |
Wilson | Son of will | Christian |
Wisal | Communion In Love | Muslim |
Wajib | Compulsory, at the necessary | Muslim |
Wayne | Wagon maker | Christian |
Wazir | Minister, Vizier | Muslim |
Wyatt | hardywarrior | Christian |
Wasiq | Irrevocable, strong | Muslim |
Wamiq | Loving, Friendly | Muslim |
Wesley | Western meadow | Christian |
Wafi | Faithful, Loyal | Muslim |
Boy name with W
Boy names starts with alphabet W are very common among the parents. Every parent related to any religion tries to find the best possible name for the baby however parents are more focused on beautiful Boy names as well as meaningful Boy names for their babies. Popular Boy names starting W hold amazing names and personality traits that affect positively on one's nature. Your search is about to end here for Boy names starting with W on this all-rounder page that has a variety of names.
Here we have gathered all the Boy names starting with W to cater to the need of parents looking for Boy names starting from the W alphabet. A huge list of unique Boy names from W letter is mentioned here with its meaning, origin, lucky number, and all the related information. Parents can now easily reach to the sahabi Boy names starting with W to select the best name for their little one. Check out an updated list of baby names starting with W here. Islamic Boy names starting with W are also mentioned as this portal is providing a huge range of names from all the alphabets.
Baby naming is perhaps one of the most anticipated yet daunting experiences. In Punjabi culture, this isn't simply about naming; it's a whole tradition-spirituality-rich experience with deeper meanings underneath it. Hence, if you're searching for Top 50 Punjabi Girl Names, then you're in the appropriate place.
View MoreNaming a baby boy in a Punjabi family is not just about liking the name, it goes beyond that. It is a whole lot of aspects combined like culture, religion, and sense of belonging which is an important ritual in Punjabi families. It is not simply just a name but it is an identity, a blessing that carries the ancestral values down with it. So, if you are looking for a tension-free top 50 Punjabi boy names list we are here to help you.
View MoreChoosing a name for a newborn is a task that is both exciting and thought-provoking. The process is fascinating and this is especially the case of Hindu culture since naming has a larger meaning attached to it. The only thing that is not considered during the process would be how nice the name sounds since the process involves embracing history as well as the religious system and personal dreams and expectations. But if you are looking for the top 50 Hindi girl names, here is how you can do it.
View MoreSelecting a name for your little girl is one of the most thrilling yet overwhelming moments for parents. Going through countless pages to find that one perfect name that sounds beautiful and has deep meaning is really a big time. A baby girl name in Arabic has more than just a name; it is part of the culture, history, and values of a people. Whether you are looking for the Top 50 Arabic girl names or rare names that have a strong heavenly connotation you are on the right place.
View MoreChoosing a name for your baby boy is probably the most difficult thing you can do which brings more excitement. Arabic names are quite deep in meanings hence making decisions more thrilling. So, without wasting any time, let us discuss step-by-step how you can get the top 50 Arabic boy names.
View Moreএকটি মেয়ে শিশুর নামকরণের প্রক্রিয়া সত্যিই একটি সুন্দর কিন্তু চাপপূর্ণ অভিজ্ঞতা। এটি একটি নাম নির্বাচন করা গুরুত্বপূর্ণ, যা অর্থ, বিশ্বাস এবং সংস্কৃতির মিশ্রণ প্রকাশ করে। মুসলিম অভিভাবকদের জন্য, এই প্রক্রিয়া আরও গুরুত্বপূর্ণ হয়ে ওঠে, কারণ একটি নাম শুধু একটি নাম হয়ে থাকে না, বরং এটি ইসলামিক মূল্যবোধ, ইতিহাস এবং আমাদের ছোট্ট শিশুর ভবিষ্যতের জন্য আমাদের আশাগুলিকে প্রতিফলিত করে। যদি আপনি উর্দুতে শীর্ষ ৫০ মুসলিম মেয়ে নাম বা কোরআন থেকে শীর্ষ ৫০ মুসলিম মেয়ে নাম খুঁজছেন, তবে আপনি সঠিক জায়গায় আছেন। চলুন দেখি কীভাবে সঠিক নামটি বেছে নেয়া যায়!
View MoreA nice Hindu name Wakil is also a unique name and also have a nice meaning. This name's significance must be amazing on the personality of a baby.
- Tina, Pune
I really like this name William and thinking to suggest it for my newborn niece. On this page you can get a name meanings very easily
- Aaira, Hyderabad
Waleed was my fiance name he is half Arab and half Filipino and luckily he is now baptist as a muslim and practices islam
- Stephanie , Philippines