Girl Names Starting with L

If you are looking for a name for your new baby girl, you may be hunting for a girl’s name that starts with the letter L. Well, we’ve got exactly that for you check out these cool, unique, cute, and rare girl’s names we've compiled, all names that start with L. From popular names to rarer ones, check out these great names that start with L for girls to help you find the right pick for your little one.

Popular Girl Names Start With L

Laiba Gorgeous, Pretty, A beautiful Hoor Of Heaven Muslim
Linda Beautiful, Pretty, Clean Christian
Lubna Elegance, A woman who has milky white colour, Storax Tree Muslim
Liza Devoted To Allah(SWT), Endowment To Allah, CONSECRATED TO GOD Muslim
Lavanya beauty, grace in Sanskrit. Hindu
Laura Crowned with laurel. Christian
Laraib Without A Doubt, Not Suspicious, Truth, Faultless, Pure, Intact Muslim
Lucy shine,Light Muslim
Lamia Daughter Of Poseidon. Muslim
Lisa A short form of elizabeth Christian
Liyana Softness, tenderness Muslim
Latifa Gentle. Kind. Pleasant. Friendly. Muslim
Lavya Renowned for his Devotion to his Guru Hindu
Laila Night Muslim
Lisha Full of Mystery; Derived from Alicia; Sweet; Honest; Truth; Happy; Darkness Before Midnight; Felicia Hindu
Lyra lyre Christian
Lovely Lovely Christian
Lola Lady of Sorrows; Strong Woman; Sorrow; Little and Womanly; Female Version of Charles; Carl; Renowned in Battle; Fickle; Changing; Beautiful; Goddess Lakshmi Hindu
Laado Sweet; God Gifted Hindu
Liya I am with God Hindu
Luna Moon. Muslim
Logan hollow, lowland Christian
Leena Plant of dates, soft, mild, clemency Muslim
Lula Pearl Muslim
Lavi Lovable Hindu
Lubaba Variant Of Lubabah: The Innermost Essence. Muslim
Laxmi Goddess of Wealth Hindu
Liba Most Beautiful Hoor in jannah Muslim
Lakshita Distinguished Hindu
Labiba Wise, Intelligent. Muslim
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Explore Baby Girl Names That Start with L

Names that start with L are very common among parents. Every parent related to any religion tries to find the best possible name for the baby. Most parents are more focused on beautiful girl names as well as meaningful girl names for their baby girl. Popular girl names starting with L hold amazing names and personality traits that affect positively one's nature. "L" is the second most common initial for baby girl names, following. "L" is the most popular initial for baby girl names.

Here we have gathered all the Baby girl names starting with L to cater for the needs of parents looking for girl names that start with L. We provide a huge list of unique Baby girl names starting with L, which are mentioned here with their meaning, origin, lucky number, and all the related information. Parents can now easily reach out to the popular girl names starting with L to select the best name for their baby girl. Check out an updated list of baby names starting with L here.

Popular Girl Names Starting With L Across The US

Some names are popular for a reason, and these top names that start with L for girls in the US, UK, Canada, and Australia are a great place to start on your baby-naming journey.

Girl names that start with L in the US, UK, Canada, and Australia. From traditional choices like Laylani to modern favourites like Lily, these names hold timeless appeal and cultural significance. Whether inspired by biblical figures, historical heroes, or contemporary icons, Names start with "L" to captivate parents seeking both tradition and innovation. Along with Ladie, other girl names start with L in the US Top names include Leah and Lilliana. In the UK, popular girl names starting with L include Leilani and Lyla, all of which are on the top in the US.

Interesting Names Blogs

Terokai senarai panjang nama-nama gadis Muslim moden kami dari A hingga Z. Lihatlah bahagian ini yang merangkumi senarai panjang nama-nama gadis Muslim moden A hingga Z. Nama-nama ini dipilih dengan memberi tumpuan kepada aspek seperti kecantikan, makna, dan kepentingan budaya, yang menggabungkan keanggunan Islam dan moden. Secara keseluruhan, nama-nama ini kebanyakannya berasal dari Quran, Sejarah Islam atau trend moden, oleh itu ia adalah gabungan kelas dan trendy pada masa yang sama.

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Temui nama-nama Laki-Laki Muslim Moden yang paling indah dari A hingga Z pada tahun 2025. Ini adalah nama yang bermakna mendalam dengan kaitan Islam dalam dunia masa kini. Sama ada ibu bapa mencari nama yang berasaskan agama dari Al-Quran atau yang popular dalam masyarakat hari ini, senarai ini menyediakan semua maklumat yang diperlukan untuk ibu bapa memilih nama yang sesuai untuk anak lelaki mereka.

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Temukan nama-nama Laki-laki Muslim modern yang paling indah dari A hingga Z pada tahun 2025. Ini adalah nama-nama yang memiliki makna mendalam dengan hubungan Islam di dunia saat ini. Baik orang tua mencari nama yang berbasis agama dari Al-Qur'an atau nama yang populer di masyarakat saat ini, daftar ini menyediakan semua informasi yang diperlukan bagi orang tua untuk memilih nama yang ideal untuk putra mereka.

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Jelajahi daftar nama gadis Muslim modern kami dari A hingga Z. Bagian ini mencakup daftar panjang nama-nama gadis Muslim modern dari A hingga Z. Nama-nama ini dipilih dengan fokus pada aspek-aspek seperti kecantikan, makna yang dalam, dan pentingnya budaya, yang menggabungkan keanggunan Islam dan modern. Secara keseluruhan, nama-nama ini sebagian besar berasal dari Al-Qur'an, Sejarah Islam, atau tren modern, dan oleh karena itu memiliki kesan klasik dan trendi pada saat yang bersamaan.

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এটি একটি সবচেয়ে প্রিয় উপলক্ষ্য, না? এটা সম্ভবত সেই সবচেয়ে কাছের বিষয় যেখানে তারা একটি পরিচয় দেয় যা সারা জীবন তাদের সাথে থাকে। মার্চ মাসে জন্ম নেওয়া বাংলা বাচ্চার নাম খুঁজছেন তাদের জন্য; আমরা পুরোপুরি বুঝি আপনার বিভ্রান্তি। তবে, আমরা এখনও আপনার জন্য প্রস্তুত! তো, কিভাবে বাংলা নামগুলো নির্বাচন করা হয়? মার্চ মাসে জন্ম নেওয়া বাচ্চাদের নামকরণের ক্ষেত্রে আমরা আপনার সাথে আছি।

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There is an essential charm in Bengali names, be it by their sound or by the roots those names have laid deep culturally. Naming a baby boy in a Bengali household is full of thrill and thought. If modern Bengali boy names born in March is what you seek, let's see what influences the naming and how you can decide which one would be the right one for your little one.

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Review & Comment

I saw and heard this name first time on this website like this name, and highly recommend others.

  • Abbas, Multan

Laiba's meaning page offers a straightforward explanation of the Muslim name, aiding in better comprehension.

  • Fatima, Karachi

Lyra represents a name that embodies the spirit of artistic expression. With its musical connotations, Lyra inspires individuals to explore their creative side and embrace the power of melody.

  • Lubna , Lahore

Laxmi inspires individuals to embrace abundance and seek success in all aspects of life. Those with this name are destined to bring blessings and prosperity wherever they go.

  • Saba, Delhi

The name "Lamia" originates from Greek mythology and has a unique meaning in English. Lamia represents a beautiful and seductive enchantress, often associated with allure and mystery. With its exotic charm, the name Lamia evokes a sense of intrigue and fascination.

  • Rehan, Karachi