Pashto Boy Names

Pashto Boy names are as beautiful as its culture. Pashto Boy names are now trending in Muslim countries. Here you can find Top Muslim Pashto Boy names with meaning. Popular Pashto Boy names include Ertugrul, Balach, Baran. A wide range of Pashto Boy names is listed below with detailed information regarding meanings, lucky numbers, and origin.

Browse Boy Names by Alphabets
Browse Girls Names by Alphabets
Warda Rose Muslim
Salar Leader Muslim
Aimal Friend Muslim
Marjan Coral Muslim
Zarqa A girl with bluish green eyes Muslim
Dawar Prominent Muslim
Abasin The Indus River Muslim
Aimal Friend Muslim
Ghazan Holy War Fighter Muslim
Malalai One who is grieving, sad one Muslim
Serina Calm and tranquil Muslim
Ghuncha A bunch of flowers Muslim
Panra Leaf Muslim
Tabana Bright moonlight Muslim
Zaryab Processor of gold Muslim
Babrak Little basilica flower Muslim
Malala One who is grieving, sad one Muslim
Azmaray Lion Muslim
Zalaan Sparkling, radiant Muslim
Hask Acme of a Mountain Muslim
Awalmir Prime chief or leader Muslim
Shaperai Fairy. Muslim
Zareesh A Woman With Great Wealth Muslim
Zartaj Gold Crown Muslim
Shahzar King of gold Muslim
Zarmina Precious gold Muslim
Shiree Fertile field Muslim
Storai Star Muslim
Benazira A girl with no comparison Muslim
Qajeer Qajeer means presentable Muslim
Lalma Piece of land that defends only on rain Muslim
Bazira A queen in Swat Muslim
Pashto Boys Names Pashto Girl Names

Pashto Boy Name with Meaning

The Pashto community takes great pride in their cultural heritage, which is reflected in their unique and meaningful baby names for boys. Pashto boy names have gained a reputation for their profound meanings and traditional elegance, making them a preferred choice for parents. The majority of Pashto boy names are derived from tribal names, serving as a reminder of their ancestry and tribal affiliation. These names are renowned for their potency, drawing more attention and admiration from those seeking a name for their baby boy. As a result, Pashto names for boys have become increasingly popular, not only in rural areas but also in urban settings.

To make the search for a perfect Pashto name for a baby boy easier, we have compiled a list of the most recent and popular names with meaningful connotations. All the names listed on this page are fashionable, lovely, and updated regularly. Arabic and Persian languages have some of the best and most meaningful names for Muslim boys, which is where the Pashto names listed here originate.

Explore the entire page to find the top Pashto boy names and their important information. Pashto names with meanings for boys are frequently mentioned and updated, making this page a helpful resource for parents. Choose a meaningful name for your adorable child from this list of Pashto boy names.

Review & Comment

I was searching for something unique name, I found it here easily and Correct meaning

  • Babar, Hyderabad

Warda is my school Friend name.. she is very decent girl .. and still she is my best friend

  • Wafa, Lahore

My name is warda and i love this name and meaning of rose flower ☺

  • Warda raza, Pak karachi

Mening arbic

  • Zarlala, Swat

My name is Warda and my name meaning is Rose/ Ghulab ka phool

  • Warda, Sialkot