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Wasaya Iqbal

Poet: نوید رزاق بٹ

Wasaya Iqbal

نوشتہءِ رُخِ بشر
نویدِ راہِ بیکراں

عذابِ فکر و آگہی
عذاب وہ کہ الاماں

نگاہِ شوق مُضطرب
حجابِ ہوش درمیاں

سپاہِ عقل بے خبر
نگاہِ عشق رازداں

سکونِ قلب ذِکرُہُ
غفور و عَفْو و مہرباں

انا شہیدِ مرگِ دل
خودی حیاتِ جاوداں

رہینِ ذات ضو بجیب
ندیمِ خلق ضو فشاں

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Wasaya Iqbal Poetry - Urdu poetry is filled with so many emotions and insights. Just like this couplet of Sufi poetry in which says Wasaya Iqbal. You will find 2 lines and ghazals in image & text form on Sufi shayari. Within the vast realm of Urdu poetry, you'll discover a diverse spectrum of themes like sad, love, friendship, mother, father and Islam. Renowned poets such as Allama Iqbal, John Elia, Ahmad Faraz, and Mirza Ghalib has beautifully written Urdu shayari about these timeless themes.