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"A Jade In Pebbles"

Poet: Muqadas Majeed By: Muqadas Majeed, Kasur

Today's people are pebbles like
They are dull and are not bright

Who don't know their actual place
And are without dignity and grace

Whatever they do is for people to see;
Like around the comb ,buzzing of bee

They have no goal and achieve no more
They never ask to themselves that,
what did they score?

Such people are pebbles like
They are dull and are not bright

But in those pebbles there's a JADE
Which beautifies it's surroundings by it's shade

Who has no need to tell the people
That he's significant and precious

His natural beauty impresses the minds
One feels lucky when one finds

He never goes out of grace
Because he knows his actual place

Such a person is like a JADE
Among the pebbles which are fake

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Views: 349
22 Aug, 2019
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