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Arabian Sands Testify (Naat)

Poet: Yasir Farooq By: Yasir Farooq, Karachi

Scene I

A small dig is gnawing by her side
Pale with pain, the laboring mother turns
grey with fear
Lest there cry a female baby and the father bury her alive
At last, the Arabian desert echoes with
the screams of a female baby being buried for no sin; for Arabs' pride
' They are not our sons but our hearts who walk on the earth! ! '

Scene II

An embarrassed man comes to Muhammad(PBUH) and tells of
his little girl who loved him with heart and soul
Always running towards him whenever called
One day he took her to bury alive for
' They are not our sons but our hearts who walk on the earth.'
The innocent girl talked all the while
but he kept burying deep till her last voice

(There appear tears in Muhammad's eyes.)

Now the Arabian desert does not echo with
the screams of a female baby being buried alive for no sin

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Views: 962
09 Jun, 2020
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