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Childlish Baby

Poet: shah Nawaz Bokhari By: shah Nawaz Bokhari, Islamabad

I am childish baby!
Look at my complexion
See my attitude.
Sky, star, Moon are very funny!

Baby is very innocent.
Angels are respecting them.
Devil fear from them,
Cute activities in funny ways,

Do you imagination?
Keep going on baby!
Mothers scold his children.
Sometime fathers protect.

Whenever any mistake held,
Whenever any misconduct,
Parents are annoyed!
In the face of child, tells collusion.

From both sides funny!
Remarks exchange on child.
My childish baby!
How can I tell you?

Look at when friends comes
Crying, weeping, loud noise!
Prevail in air, so stop it.
Then the child little time,
Again childish, "AAyan"

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Views: 1096
28 Jul, 2010
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