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Dialogue Between A Mujahidah And A Hypocrite

Poet: Shafia Kapoor By: Shafia Kapoor, Pakistan

He said: you going to join them,(Jihad) Are you mad?
She replied: yes! Because ummah's condition is very bad

He said: They will treat you with cruelty
She replied: what about my those sisters,
Who are victims of their brutality

He said: you are a fragile creature, how will you fight?
She replied: I dont care, ALLAH's help will be by my side

He said: it's a hard step for you to take
She replied: then any effort, why dont you make?

He said: Jihad is a path full of dificulties and sacrifice
She replied: it's also a shortest way, going towards paradise

He said: By doing this, all oppression will you stop?
She replied: for ALLAH's religion, I will fight till my last drop

He said: you are going towards jihad, its an inanity
She replied: I am going because, you lost your masculinity

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Views: 970
26 Jul, 2014
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