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Poet: Nimrata By: Nimrata, Mirpurkhas

Dear Friends!

You constantly be there
I expected you where

A friend has a heart filled with affection
With a strong spirit recharged with passion

A friend who accepts all your drawbacks and concerns
And listen to all of your worries and troubles

Thanks for being there in my arduous miseries
The time when I grieved a lot but make fewer memories

A true friend taking you away from the pain
And wash out bad memories and thoughts from your brain

Thanks for making every day better than before
Your crazy and illogical jokes compel me to laugh more

A friend who listens to your unwanted talks
Wherever you go your true friend jointly walks

A true friend has a soul which never judges you
He/she can give you much life-changing advice which can encourage you

You always be there when I needed a friend
And prevail with me until the end

You provoke me at a time when tears flow
And gave me motivation whenever I feel low

Love you all

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Views: 1238
03 Sep, 2022
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