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My dear woman

Poet: Asma Tariq By: Asma Tariq, Gujrat

I've written these lines
For you,
For Every woman whom
I meet throughout
My life ,
Specially my mother
Sisters and friends
And to all the beautiful
women Of world
And they all are beautiful.

Oh ,Dear woman
You are precious
More than the water,

Your are younger
More than the years

You are beautiful
More than the models,

Your are brighter
More than the Stars

You're stronger
More than the iron

It's not your colour ,
Your skin, your complection
Which makes you beautiful
But your compassion and
Gratitude with which you
Deal with the world .

It's not the dressing
Not the jewels
Not the diamonds
Which makes you
But your perseverance
With which you tackle
The situations of life ,

Your are more than jewels
You are more than complections
Your are much beautiful
With all imperfections
You don't need to be perfect
You are Okay,
The way you are.

And the people who finds
You in skin, in dresses
In jewels , In perfection
Are not the true lovers
But the disturbance of
Your life ,
Who are continually
Creating mess in

Your smile is more than
The brightness of moon
You are more colourful
Than the flowers of Garden

This World is nothing
Without you
You are more than
The life.
You're more than Diva

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Views: 1085
08 Dec, 2018
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