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Poet: Taj Rasul Tahir By: Taj Rasul Tahir, Islamabad

Often I thought,
About the Universe;
How it came into being the first?
Who fetched the mud, which made the earth?
And water;
So deep and beneath the earth,
So neat, clean and white is it.
It shines as fine as shines the mirror.

Who grew the plants, so tinny and tall?
Some full of fruits,
Some full of flowers.
If same the plants but differs the flowers,
If same the flowers but differs the plants,
It grows from a seed but takes many more,
We look after the one but
Who gives many more?

Who made the planets like sun and moon?
One lights the day and burns the noon.
Other tears the dark and exploits all,
“this meant on earth”.
Involved in love by poets and us.
It gives us pleasure many times a year.

Often I thought,
By whom a man is made by then,
“Handsome, cleaver and wise as a lawyer “.
He thinks to act and utilize power.
He dives into sea and flies in the air,
Climbs the peaks of-course he dares.

I see the birds of all kinds here.
They fetch the food without hands and arms.
They don’t have stores to keep food there
But don’t bother about nest days.
They get fresh; who gives them away?

I saw the insect which put me in thoughts,
“What does it eat, what does it drink”?
Where does it live, how does it live?
I saw it lived in a hard stone,
Beyond the approach of water and air.
Who bred it in the stone?
“It’s out of thinking zone”.
But I found, who did it, “alone”.
He is only the “Almighty Allah”
He is one and always alone.
By Taj Rasul Tahir


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Views: 345
12 Dec, 2013
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