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The Tiny Gaza in Ferguson


What you experienced in one day
When Michael Brown the young lad was prey

Where he was shot in the head two times
And no one is telling for what crimes

It's just the fraction of what we face
In Gaza its the everyday case

We know you protested for Michael
When the situation became awful

Where they didn't allow you to protest
And then they threatened you with arrest

Decades have passed and this is "Our life"
Which has been filled with pain blood and strife

When we raise our voice against violence
They drop the bombs to bring the silence

You at least had the Michael's body
We have just the body parts to carry

Your trauma and pain we understand
So for justice jointly let's demand

Brutality is poison and plague
Our lives with it are nothing but vague

So kill this cancer before its late
Or it will decide for us our fate

When they can kill babies and infants
With the "No regret reinforcements"

Just think how far they can go to win
From you body to peel off the skin

For them Ferguson Gaza all same
Absolute power is their sole aim

"We are superior." That's they claim
And they say this without any shame

So some segregated Gaza and
Some segregated St.louis land

It's the history so go and find
Have a mind be kind don't be so blind

It's the same intention like the past
Based on race class order and the caste

Zionist Jews think that they are blessed
And they deserve to live on the crest

Rest of the humans to them are pest
So to kill them thats why they have stressed

By dropping the bombs on the children
They have proved their very own doctrine

And in America "White racists"
KKK or the evangelists

Rush Limbaugh or his associates
Through their brain-washing opened hell gates

Teaching white supremacy to folks
Using hoax for incitements and stokes

Thinking that they are also blessed ones
And can kill the rest of us with guns

But they should understand one thing now
People know the truth and would not cow

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Views: 232
07 Sep, 2014
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