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Poet: Mubina By: Mubina, Lahore

They accompany many souls
Tend to warm up many goals
They accompany many dreams
Tend to fill tears with gleam

I watch as they drift away
Stare as many go astray
I watch as they lose flare
Stare as many start to glare

They accompany brave armours
Tend to show up during clamours
They make the tired float
Tend to build the boat

I watch as they hold the rope
Stare as many refuse to mope
I watch as they swipe the pain
Stare as many start to gain

These wings are made of hope
These wings are made up of gold
They are imagined by brave souls
They are kept for the cold

I watch as they work with wind
Stare as many enjoy the glint
I watch as they shield the brave
Stare as many refuse to cave

These wings only exist for some
These wings are deal with glum
They work against steep falls
They take away the need to stall


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Views: 1227
23 Feb, 2019
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