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With tears from Palestine

Poet: Shafia Kapoor By: Shafia Kapoor, Gujrat

Sitting on a destroyed home...
Finding myself all alone...
Looking at the blue sky...
I am wondering that why...?
Why this happened to us...
Why they left our houses but crushed...

Sad smiles and flowing tears...
Painful cryings are every where...
In every corner of my country...
A tragic story, you will hear...

Horrific nights and terrible days...
Ruined buildings and desolated ways...
Fade flowers and sad streams...
It all looks like a horrible dream...

Screaming children, demolished schools...
Incomplete home-work, unread book...
Unwanted situation, unbreakable barriers...
Why they are playing with our carriers...

Where is the sympathy and humanity...?
Why they are killing innocents with brutality...?
All of this is to occupy our saccred land...
This is a horrible truth and a bitter reality...

We are suffering, we are crying...
Daily, people of my country are dying...
Humanity is also shying...
While looking at these demon's crimes...

Iam an unfortunate palestanian child..
These devils(israel's soldiers) are treating with us as wilds..
World is pretending as deaf and blind..
All circumstances are very unkind..

ALLAH is witness of all this oppression...
He never gives permission of reppression...
At domes day, when we will be questioned...
Tyrants will certainly feel depression...

In ALLAH, we all do have strong faith...
Our revenge from tyrants he will surely take..
One day we will breath in free atmosphere...
In sha'ALLAH one day there will be peace every where...


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Views: 2030
01 Jul, 2014
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