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Caged Bird

Poet: Shafia Kapoor By: Shafia Kapoor, Pakistan

Her tears were falling down on a stone
Imprisoned in a cage she was feeling alone
Collecting the scattered pieces of broken dreams
She was trying to stop the vioce of her screams
Hiding the wistfulness of her eyes
She was Soothing her heart with beautiful lies
Wondering about her obscured fate
She was trying to forget her grief which was great
Unwillingly She accepted her defeat
She thought, with this world she cannot compete
She expelled herself from the world of happiness
She felt around her, a layer of sadness
Leading this miserable life
She found death more painless and quick
Last time putting fake smile on her face
She was nearly going to quit
But suddenly Someone whispered in her ears
Have you ever looked towards the greatest hope,, (ALLAH) ??
Who is calling you behind this dark sky...
The clouds are dark, but behind them there is a Moon...
Why don't you tell Him, your pain
Who is more near to you then your jugular vein...
Find Him, Call Him, He will heal your wounds
Every sorrow disappears when
His love and mercy someone founds
She wiped her tears, stood firmly holding a golden rope
Looking behind the dark sky, she found a shining Hope
Suddenly the gate of cage opened with a shiny ray
And to meet the Lord of Heavens, she finally found a way
She thanked her Lord that He did not let her to be astray
And then The caged bird flew happily very far away...

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Views: 410
13 Jul, 2014
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