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The lonely Woman

Poet: Asim Zulfiqar By: ASIM ZULFIQAR, karachi

i saw a woman sitting along the highway ,
she was waiting for someone or might be astray,
tired or might be she was betrayed .
was trying to smile or might be pushing sorrows away ,

i was seeing her from the otherside ,
she must be in trouble ,i compiled.
i crossed the road to let her guide.
i greet her , but she did'nt replied.

she was in the deep thought ,
about all the lessons life had taught ,
and all the things she had got ,
i was confused at that spot ,

suddenly the noise of truck makes her out of situation,
she saw me as noise breaks her concentration ,
i asked her can i know the reason of your depression ?
or may i guide you to your destination .

she smiled with tears in her eyes ,
i have no destination , she replies .
never hurt a lady , she advices .
that answer makes me surprised .

i asked , is something wrong ?
she told me her husband had left her alone .
and also taking her happiness along.
and she do not wants to live anymore.

i asked her what you will do now ?
she smiles and told me she don't know.
however i have memories my son to live ,
she left , telling how her happiness blew.

she was the daughter of eve ,
that why she was brave .

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Views: 453
08 Oct, 2015
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