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The world is not enough

Poet: Muhammad Ashar Khan By: asher khan, KARACHI

 I think the world is like a cage,
which was said by many of sage,
run in search for for the estate's point,
but i do not known where the freedom joints.

I think the world is like a lake,
which never stops for anyone's sake
If there anyone who known his fate?
The answers for the questions are often late.

I think the world is like a fire,
which can easily burns anyone's desire,
No one knows his time for the flight,
but there is sovereign soul who knows all right!

I think the world is like a gift,
for these who travels in swift,
But for me its just a big blast,
Because it will be rubbed in the last.

I think the world is like game,
which obviously win by the high lightened name,
while in thought for the world which it likes,
Ii always become anxious in my mind's hikes!

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Views: 420
25 Jun, 2016
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