Hindi nirupam-meaning_31128 Names

Most popular baby hindi nirupam-meaning_31128 names with meanings. Pick a perfect name from the vast collection of nirupam-meaning_31128 names. Find the origin, lucky number, religion, and other key aspects of name. The best part is that names are also categorized into different religions. Here you find Top nirupam-meaning_31128 names meaning.

Browse Boy Hindu Names by Alphabets
Browse Girls Hindu Names by Alphabets
Aarav Peaceful; Good Personality Hindu
Priyanka Dear One, Beautiful, Lovable Act Hindu
Anaya Without A Superior, Misfortune, Adversity Hindu
Angel Messenger from God; Angel; Pari Hindu
Aadhar Base; Brilliant Like the Sun Hindu
Ayush Long Life; Long Lived Hindu
Aabhavannan Light, Il-Luminous, Bright, Shining Hindu
Reyansh A Part of Sun; Lord Vishnu Hindu
Aadhav Ruler Hindu
Aadalarasu King of Dance Hindu
Aabher A Cowherd, Name Of Dynasty Hindu
Aabir Fragrance, Aroma, Perfume Hindu
Aadhavan Sun; Brilliant Like the Sun; Lord Vishnu Hindu
Aabhas The Sense, Feelings, Realization Hindu
Aadhya First power; Goddess Durga; First; Unequalled; Perfect; The Earth; Another ornament Hindu
Aadhimulam One who is Very First of Everything Hindu
Aadhikara Lord Shiva Hindu
Aachman Intake of a Sip of Water Before a Yagya or Puja Hindu
Riya Graceful; Singer; Beautiful; A Form of Ria; One who Sings; Dance Hindu
Vihaan Morning; Dawn Hindu
Aadalarasan Attraction Hindu
Aaradhya Worship; Worship Goddess; Like a God Hindu
Arnav Briliant; Ocean; Sea; Vast; Endless Ocean Hindu
Aabharan Jewel Hindu
Aadeep Light, Spiritual Illumination, A Source Of Radiance Hindu
Aadesh An Order, A Command, Message, Means Instruction In Sanskrit Hindu
Shanaya Eminent; Distinguished, First Ray Of The Sun Hindu
Prisha God's Gift; Beloved; Loving Hindu
Aaban Name of an Angel Hindu
Advik Unique, Exclusive, Someone who has no equivalent, Hindu
Aacharya Teacher; Another Name for Drona Hindu
Aacharappan Restless or Proactive Hindu
Aabhass Awareness, The Sense, Feelings, Realization Hindu
Aabheer A Cowherd, Name Of Dynasty Hindu
Aadya One who is Always First and Best; Name of Adisakthi; Parvathi Hindu
Ritika Movement; Pretty; Cute; Of Brass; Bronze; One who Keeps Traditions (Riti Rivaz) Hindu
Shreya Excellent; Credit; Auspicious; Lucky; Better; The Best Forever; Goddess Lakshmi; Beautiful; To Give Credit to Someone Hindu
Aadarsh Ideal Hindu
Aadhikesavan One who is Ideal for Others Hindu
Aabavaanan Reliable, Responsible, Accountable Hindu
Aachalendra Himalayas Hindu
Anushka Grace, Favour, Flower Hindu
Aadavan Sun; Brilliant Like The Sun; Lord Vishnu Hindu
Aadhan Be First, Dominate, Leader, Guide Hindu
Samaira Enchanting, Protected By God Hindu
Aadava Sun Hindu
Aadhesh Sun Hindu
Shubham Winner, Religious, and Auspicious, Lucky. Hindu
Aadhev First Hindu
Shreyansh Fame; Fame Giver and Lucky; Goddess of Earth Hindu
Mahi 'The Union Of Heaven And Earth, Divine Being, Great Earth Hindu
Sneha Love; Affectionate; Wife of Rishi Sandeep; Friendly Hindu
Trisha Noble; Abbreviation of Patricia; Noble Woman; Patrician; Desire; Thirst; Female Version of Patrick; Aristocratic the Three Goddesses Shakthi; Aristocratic Hindu
Sanjay Victory; Lord Shiva; Dhritarashtra's Charioteer; Triumphant; Caring Hindu
Aaddhar Base, Brilliant Like The Sun, A Variant Of Sanskrit Name Hindu
Shivansh Lord Shiva's Part or Factor Hindu
Ananya Limitless Feeling; Endless; Beautiful Star; Matchless; Nice Hindu
Aahana Inner light, Immortal, Born during the day, the First rise of the Sun Hindu
Priya Beloved One; Loved One; Darling; Loving to Everyone; Dear One Hindu
Aanya Different; Goddess Durga; Graceful Hindu
Anjali Join Hands; Palms Together; Offering with Both Hands; An Angel; Offering Hindu
Anika Goddess Durga; Grace; Favour; God is Gracious; God has Shown Favour Hindu
Aarush First Ray of Sun Hindu
Rohit First Red Rays of the Sun; Red; Horse Rider; Son of Raja Harishchandra Hindu
Anshika Minute Particle, Beautiful, Pretty Girl Hindu
Aarohi A music tune; Progressive; Evolving Hindu
Simran Remembrance; Meditation; Beautiful Hindu
Rishabh Superior; An Avatar of Lord Vishnu; Second Note of Octave; Morality Hindu
Sanvi Goddess Parvati; Glowing; Attractive; Loveable; Goddess Lakshmi Hindu
Atharva Name of Ganesha; The First Vedas Hindu
Ankit Naughty; Interesting; Talented; Conquered; Printed or Written; Signet; Symbol; Female Version of Ankita Hindu
Priyanshi Dear one, Loving, lovable, he most valuable part of something Hindu
Sarayu Moving Fast, Wind, Holy River Hindu
Sumit Good Friend; Well Measured; A Good Friend Hindu
Aarvi Peace, tranquility, calmness Hindu
Sonu Pure Gold Hindu
Ishika An arrow, Dart, One who achieves, Paintbrush, Daughter of God Hindu
Karan Light; The Firstborn of Kunti; Karna Hindu
Aadrita Adorable Hindu
Binod happiness, joy, enjoyment, pleasure, eccentric Hindu
Nikita People of victory, Unconquerable, abode, the earth Hindu
Anvi One of the devis names, Name of a Goddess Hindu
Kritika Name of a star, Well starred, Goddess of Karma Hindu
Aadvika Unique Hindu
Sandeep Light; Shine; A Lighted Lamp; Beatiful; Male Hindu
Aryan Noble; Old Civilisation; Related; From a High Race; Son of Arya; That which is Beyond Anyone's Strength; Belonging to the Aryans Hindu
Mansi Plucked Flower; Voice of Heart; Woman Hindu
Aadrika Goddess; Mountain Hindu
Shruti A Musical Tone; Beautiful; Different; Hearing; Veidik Text; Expert in Vedas; Intelligent; Different in All Hindu
Kunal Anything; God of the Universe; Son of Emperor Ashok Hindu
Aab Shine Hindu
Avyan Not Having Any Imperfection; Lord Vishnu's Name Hindu
Vivaan Full of Life; Lord Krishna Hindu
Akshita Wonder Girl; Seen; Wonderful Girl; Permanent; Constant Hindu
Aariz Respectable Man, Intelligent, Leader Of The Nation Hindu
Mayra Honey; Beloved, Adored Sweet; Admirable; Aristocratic Lady Hindu
Sachin Pure; Existence; Lord Indra; Lord Shiva Hindu
Aaditri Godess Laxmi Hindu
Mukesh Shiva; Cupid; Lord of the Dumb; Lord Shiva; Lord of Dumb Hindu
Jelisha Gorgeus, intelligent, smart, nice, excellent, pretty eyesight Hindu
Indria Senses Hindu
Aakranti Might; Valour; Force Hindu
Parry Son of Harry Hindu
Diljeet Heart Winner Hindu
Dildeep Lamps of Heart Hindu
Manseerat Beauty of Heart Hindu
Chitchetana Feeling of Heart Hindu
Rhidaynath Ruler of Heart Hindu
Dilsini Light of Heart Hindu
Hindi Boys Names Hindi Girl Names
Review & Comment

Shreya is such a well-known name due to Shreya Singh singer. I like this name.

  • Laraib Wasti, karachi

Riya is a famous name in Hindu culture, I chose this name for my Daughter as well.

  • javeria Altaf,

My name is alfiya and usually people find it hard to prnouce my name.Tho it is a unique name and i have never met a person whos name is same as min (alfiya) So i feel really happy cus it makes me unique frm other people around me


I am very happy with my Name Mukesh is very sweet and simple name

  • Mukesh, Raheem yar khan

Bheem, with its powerful meaning of "mighty" in Hindi, reflects strength and valor, making it a great choice for a Hindu boy's name.

  • Farzan, Rawalpindi